Avici Systems Inc.

show ip arp

Displays ARP statistics associated with all Gigabit Ethernet interfaces, with a specified Gigabit Ethernet interface, with a specified host, with a specified IP address, or with a specified MAC hardware address

Syntax: show ip arp [brief] [[gbe bay/slot/port] | [hostname] |
[ip-address] | [mac-address]

gbe bay/slot/port

Identifies a specific Gigabit Ethernet interface on the Avici router.


The host name of the desired ARP statistics.


The four-byte IP address of the desired ARP statistics.


The MAC hardware address for the desired ARP statistics


Display summarized information.

Description: Use the show ip arp command to display all ARP entries by interface for this Avici router.

Use the show ip arp gbe bay/slot/port command to display ARP entries for a specified Gigabit Ethernet module interface.

Use the show ip arp hostname command to display ARP entries for the specified host.

Use the show ip arp ip-address command to display ARP entries for the specified IP address.

Use the show ip arp mac-address command to display ARP entries for the specified MAC hardware address.

Use the show ip arp brief command to display a brief version of ARP entry statistics. This command excludes age and retry statistics.

The following table describes the fields in the display:

Table 1-4. Fields Displayed by show ip arp
Field Description

IP address

IP address for this ARP statistic.

H/W address

MAC address for this ARP statistic.


S - static entry, D - dynamic entry that is not yet complete, C - dynamic entry that is complete.


Interface address

Age (min)

Entry age in minutes.

Factory Default: All ARP entries for this Avici router by interface.

Command Mode: Privileged.

Example 1: In the following example, the show ip arp command lists all ARP entries by interface for this Avici router:

router#show ip arp

IP Address H/W Address Flags Interface Age (min) 00:e0:16:7e:0c:81 C Ethernet 0 18

ARP Table of Gigabit Ethernet interfaces

IP Address H/W Address Flags Interface Age(min) Retry 00:00:92:a7:c1:fd S GBE 1/5/1 0 0 00:00:92:a7:c1:fe C GBE 1/5/2 17 0

Example 2: In the following example, the show ip arp gbe command lists the ARP entry for a specified Ethernet interface:

router#show ip arp gbe 1/5/2

IP Address H/W Address Flags Interface Age(min) Retry 00:00:92:a7:c1:fe C GBE 1/5/2 17 0

Example 3: In the following example, the show ip arp command lists the ARP entry for a specified IP address entry:

router#show ip arp

IP Address H/W Address Flags Interface Age(min) Retry 00:00:92:a7:c1:fd S GBE 1/5/1 0 0

Example 4: In the following example, the show ip arp brief command displays ARP entries without age or retry statistics:

router#show ip arp brief

IP Address H/W Address Flags Interface Age (min) 00:e0:16:7e:0c:81 C Ethernet 0 18

ARP Table of Gigabit Ethernet interfaces

IP Address H/W Address Flags Interface 00:00:92:a7:c1:fd S GBE 1/5/1 00:00:92:a7:c1:fe C GBE 1/5/2

The following table describes the fields in the display:

Table 1-5. Fields Displayed by show ip arp 
Field Description

IP Address

Specifies the IP address associated with this ARP entry.

H/W Address

Specifies the MAC hardware address associated with this ARP entry.


Specifies the type of ARP entry present. Possible types are:

  • static (S): User specified ARP binding.

  • completed (C): ARP binding learnt by ARP protocol.

  • Pending (P): Entry that Avici router is trying to resolve the IP address.


Specifies the Ethernet interface 0 - 4 or the module and location (bay/slot/port).


Specifies the amount of time this interface has been listed in cache.


Specifies the number of retries required by the cache manager to resolve this IP address.

Related Commands: show interfaces ethernet


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Avici® and TSR® is a registered trademark of Avici Systems Inc.
IPriori™, Composite Links™, SSR™, QSR, and NSR® are trademarks of Avici Systems Inc.

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    Last Updated: 05/10/04 at 16:34:20

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