MAX TNT Hardware Installation Guide
Ascend Communications, Inc.
Part Number: 7820-0546-002
For Software Version 2.0.0
Ascend Access Control, Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation, DSLPipe, FrameLine, Hybrid Access, MAX, MAX TNT, MultiDSL, Multilink Protocol Plus, Pipeline, Secure Access Firewall, and Series56 are trademarks of Ascend Communications, Inc. Other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this publication belong to their respective owners.
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Important safety instructions
The following safety instructions apply to the MAX TNT:
Warning: A rare phenomenon can create a voltage potential between the earth grounds of two or more buildings. If products installed in separate buildings are interconnected, the voltage potential may cause a hazardous condition. Consult a qualified electrical consultant to determine whether or not this phenomenon exists and, if necessary, implement corrective action prior to interconnecting the products.
Warning: To reduce the risk of fire, communication cable conductors must be 26 AWG or larger.
Warning: Afin de reduire les risques d'incendie, les fils conducteurs du cable de communication doivent etre d'un calibre minimum de 26 AWG (American Wire Gauge), cest- a-dire d'un minimum de 0,404 mm.
In addition, if the equipment is to be used with telecommunications circuits, take the following precautions:
Copyright © 1997, Ascend Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.