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Enables/disables limit checking and configures the minimum system memory that must be available before a route is accepted.
Syntax: min-memory-threshold value
Minimum percentage of total memory that must be available before routes are accepted. Default: 20%
Description: Large numbers of BGP routes instances and unique routes can strain the resources of the Avici router server. The min-memory-threshold command enables limit checking on the amount of memory available before adding a route to the routing table. If the limit is reached, additional routes are gracefully discarded without resetting the BGP sessions.
Use the bgp default min-memory-threshold value command to enable limit checking and to set the minimum amount of memory that must be available before a route is added to the routing table to to the specified number of bytes.
Use the bgp default min-memory-threshold no-limit command to disable limit checking.
NOTE When limit checking is disabled, the Avici router will accept routes until the processing limits of the server are reached. Additional routes may cause the Avici router to reset.
Factory Default: Limit checking for available memory is enabled, with a default value of 20% of total memory.
Command Mode: Router configuration.
Example 1: In the following example:
- The router bgp command enables BGP routing and associates the router with autonomous system 101.
- The min-memory-threshold command enables limit checking and sets the minimum percentage of total memory that must be available before a route is accepted.
- The show ip bgp route-dropped-sessions command displays the new setting:
router#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
router(config)#router bgp 101
router(config-router)#min-memory-threshold 15
router#sho ip bgp route-dropped-sessions
Bgp Soft Landing Global Statistics
Minimum System Memory Check : Enabled
Current Free System Memory : 80
Configured Minimum System Memory : 15
Example 2: The following sample output of show ip bgp route-dropped-sessions displays routes that have been dropped due to exceeding the threshold configured using the min-memory-threshold command:
Bgp Soft Landing Global Statistics
Reason for dropping first Route :Min. System Mem Threshold Exceeded
Time Since First Dropped :0:00:33
Maximum Bgp Prefix Check :Enabled
Current Number of Bgp Prefixes :0
Configured Maximum Bgp Prefixes :450000
Minimum System Memory Check :Enabled
Current Free System Memory :85
Configured Minimum System Memory :86
Maximum Bgp Route Instances Check :Disabled
Current Number of Bgp Routes Instances :0
Configured Maximum Bgp Route Instances :0
Bgp Soft Landing Peer Statistics
Neighbor AS PfxRcd PfxDropped Time Reason 200 0 15001 0:00:33 Min. System Mem Threshold Exceeded
Example 3: In the following example:
- The router bgp command enables BGP routing and associates the router with autonomous system 101.
- The min-memory-threshold no-limit command disables checking the amount of available memory before adding a route.
- The show ip bgp route-dropped-sessions command displays the new setting:
router#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
router(config)#router bgp 101
router(config-router)#min-memory-threshold no-limit
router#sho ip bgp route-dropped-sessions
Bgp Soft Landing Global Statistics
Minimum System Memory Check : Disabled
Current Free System Memory : 80
Configured Minimum System Memory : 0
Related Commands: clear ip bgp route-dropped-sessions
router bgp
show ip bgp
show ip bgp routes-dropped-sessions
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File Name: BGP_Nd.fm
HTML File Name: BGP_Nd23.html
Last Updated: 05/10/04 at 16:36:55