neighbor weight
Sets a weight for all routes from a peer.
Syntax: [no] neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} weight weight
IP address of the BGP neighbor.
Name of a BGP peer group.
Valid values are integers 0 to 65535.
Description: Weight is a value you assign to a route to control path selection. Weight is local to the router. To prefer a specific neighbor for most of your traffic, assign a higher weight to all routes learned from that neighbor. The route with the highest weight is used as the preferred route when multiple routes to the same destination via different peers are available.
Values defined by the neighbor weight command are overridden by weights assigned by the set weight route map configuration command.
Use the neighbor weight command to assign a weight to all routes learned from that neighbor.
Use the peer-group parameter to configure all the members of a peer group to use the neighbor weight configured by this command.
Use the no neighbor weight to return to the default.
Factory Default: Routes learned through another BGP peer have a default weight of 0. Routes sourced by the local router have a default weight of 32768.
Command Mode: Router configuration.
Example 1: In the following example;
- The neighbor weight command sets the weight for all routes learned from neighbor to 30.
- The show ip bgp neighbor command displays the setting:
router(config)#router bgp 101
router(config-router)#neighbor remote-as 101
router(config-router)#neighbor weight 30
router#show ip bgp neighbor
BGP neighbor using remote AS 101
router ID: version: 4
state: Connect time: 0:00:00
def orignat: False ebgp multihop: False
n hop self: False route ref client: False
send comm: False soft reconfig: False
nbr weight: 30
Example 2: In the following example, the neighbor weight command sets the weight of routes learned from members of the peer group isp-grp1 to 30:
router(config)#router bgp 101
router(config-router)#neighbor isp-grp1 peer-group
router(config-router)#neighbor isp-grp1 weight 30
Example 3: In the following example, the no neighbor weight command resets the weight attribute of routes learned from peer group isp-grp1 to the defaults:
router(config)#router bgp 101
router(config-router)#no neighbor isp-grp1 weight
Related Commands: neighbor distribute-list
neighbor filter-list
neighbor peer-group (assigning and creating)
set weight
show ip bgp neighbors
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HTML File Name: BGP_Nd47.html
Last Updated: 05/10/04 at 16:36:55