Avici Systems Inc.

neighbor peer-group (assigning and creating)

Creates/deletes a BGP peer group and assigns/unassigns BGP neighbors as members of the group.

Syntax: [no] neighbor peer-group-name peer-group

To assign neighbors as members of the peer group:

Syntax: no neighbor ip-address peer-group peer-group-name


IP address of neighbor being added to the peer group.


Name of the BGP peer group. Name must be unique.

Description: A BGP peer group is a group of neighbors with the same update policies (as defined by route-maps, distribute-lists, filter-lists, etc.) Instead of configuring each neighbor individually, peer groups enable you to group the neighbors together and define configuration options for all the members of the group.

If you modify the options set in a peer group, all the members of the peer group inherit the changes. You can configure individual members to override those options that do not effect outbound updates.

Configuring a BGP peer-group requires 3 steps:

  1. Use the neighbor peer-group (creating) command to create a BGP peer group with a unique name.

  2. Use the neighbor commands to define the configuration attributes of the peer group.

  3. Use the neighbor peer-group (assigning) command to add neighbors to the peer group.

Peer group members inherit the configuration options of the peer group. These options can include: remote-as, version, update-source, out-route-map, out-filter-list, out-distribution-list, next-hop-self, and minimum-advertisement-interval. You can configure individual members to override those options that do not effect outbound updates.

Use the neighbor peer-group command to assign neighbors as members of a BGP peer group.

Use the no neighbor peer-group command to remove a peer group and all its members.

Factory Default: No peer groups are defined and no BGP neighbors are members of a peer group.

Command Mode: Router configuration.

Example 1: In the following example:

router(config)#router bgp 121

router(config-router)#neighbor internal peer-group

router(config-router)#neighbor internal remote-as 121

router(config-router)#neighbor peer-group internal

router(config-router)#neighbor peer-group internal

router(config-router)#neighbor peer-group internal

Example 2: In the following example, the no neighbor peer-group command deletes a peer group named internal and all its members:

router(config-router)#no neighbor internal peer-group

Related Commands: all neighbor commands
clear ip bgp peer-group
show ip bgp
show ip bgp peer-group


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   Source File Name:
    HTML File Name: BGP_Nd35.html
    Last Updated: 05/10/04 at 16:36:55

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