
MAX TNT Log Messages
This chapter covers the following topics:
The MAX TNT logs fatal and warning error messages to the fatal error log. If the system crashes before creating a log entry, it prints a stack trace to the console serial port. System-status messages, however, go to the Syslog host (if enabled) and the Status log.
Fatal and warning error messages
Each time the MAX TNT reboots, it logs a fatal error message to the fatal error log. The fatal error log also notes Warnings, which indicate situations that did not cause the MAX TNT to reset. Development engineers use Warnings for troubleshooting purposes. When a Warning occurs, the MAX TNT has detected an error condition and has recovered from it. Available flash space limits the number of entries in the fatal error log , and entries rotate on a First-in, First-out (FIFO) basis. You can clear the log by using the Clr-History command.
Format of fatal and warning error messages
Fatal and warning messages have the format shown in the following example:
WARNING: Index: 171 Revision: 2.0.0 Slot 9/2 (tnthdlc)
Date: 02/28/1998. Time: 20:57:59
Location: e0020b54 e006f568 e005d6b8 e005fd90 e005e4dc e00770a8
The first line indicates the type of error (fatal or warning), the index number of the error, the software revision number, the shelf and slot on which the error occurred, and the software load. The fatal log from older software versions display shelf 0.
The second line shows the date and time of the error.
The third line displays the top six program counter addresses from the execution stack active at the time of the crash.
Definitions of fatal errors
Following are definitions, by index number, of the fatal errors that the MAX TNT can report: if you experience a fatal error, contact Ascend Technical Support.
Definitions of warning messages
Warnings are not the results of reset conditions. Most are detected problems from which the MAX TNT typically recovers fully. Following are the definitions, by index number, of the warnings the MAX TNT can report. Warning messages, by themselves, are not necessarily cause for concern. They are used by development engineers to determine the cause of fatal errors. Contact technical support if warning messages are accompanied by fatal errors.
Fatal crash information on console
If the MAX TNT crashes without being able to write to the fatal error log, it prints a stack trace to the console serial port at the bit rate defined in the Serial profile. The trace reports the following information:
FE: N, Load: loadname, Version: version
Stack trace: 0xaddr-0 0xaddr-1 0xaddr-2 0xaddr-3 0xaddr-4 0xaddr-5
The first line indicates the number of the error and the software revision number.
The second line displays the top six program counter addresses from the execution stack active at the time of the crash.
Syslog messages
Syslog offloads to a host computer, known as the Syslog host. The Host parameter in the Log profile specifies the Syslog host, which saves the system status messages in a log file.
See the UNIX man pages about logger(1)
, syslog(3)
, syslog.conf(5)
, and syslogd(8)
for details of the syslog
daemon. The Syslog function requires UDP port 514.
The MAX TNT can report the following session data about various errors logged via Syslog:
For a given session identifier, multiple physical channel identifiers are possible. For example, one identifier might be for the T1 line, and another for the HDLC channel or modem number. This is shown in the sample log below, in which messages include the MBID, DNIS, and CLID in brackets. In this example, slot 1/2 is an 8T1 card, and slot 1/3 is a 48-modem card.
...: [1/2/1/2] [MBID 1; 9995551212 -> 7898] Incoming Call
...: [1/3/1/0] [MBID 1; 9995551212 -> 7898] Assigned to port
...: [1/2/1/2] [MBID 1; 9995551212 -> 7898] Call Connected
...: [1/3/1/0] [MBID 1] [johnc-pc] LAN session up: <johnc-pc>
...: [1/3/1/0] [MBID 1] [johnc-pc] LAN session down: <johnc-pc>
...: [1/3/1/0] [MBID 1; 9995551212 -> 7898] Call Terminated
...: [1/3/1/0] [MBID 1] [johnc-pc] : STOP: 'johnc-pc'; cause 45.;
progress 60.; host
End of call information
If the Call-Info parameter is set to End-of-Call, the MAX TNT reports the following information to Syslog at the end of each authenticated call:
- Station name
- Calling phone number
- Called phone number
- Encapsulation protocol
- Data rate (in bits per second)
- Progress code and disconnect reason
- Number of seconds before authentication
- Number of bytes or packets received during authentication
- Number of bytes or packets sent during authentication
- Length of session (in seconds)
- Number of bytes or packets received during the session
- Number of bytes or packets sent during the session
The following example of a Syslog message shows the information it provides about the terminated call:
"Conn=("cjones-p50" 5106785291->? PPP 56000 60/185) \
Auth=(3 347/12 332/13) \
Sess=(1 643/18 644/19), Terminated"
The information also appears in the connection-status window, and is logged as a message at level Info.
If some of the information is not available, that field displays either a question mark (for strings) or a zero (for numerals).
DNIS and CLID information
Syslog messages pertaining to a call display DNIS and CLID information, provided that the information is known. Following is an example that shows the DNIS 7895 in Syslog messages:
LOG info, Shelf 1, Controller, Time: 17:48:56--
shelf 1, slot 1, line 1, channel 6, dnis 7895, Incoming Call, MBID
LOG info, Shelf 1, Controller, Time: 17:48:56--
shelf 1, slot 2, dnis 7895, Assigned to port, MBID 001
LOG info, Shelf 1, Controller, Time: 17:48:57--
shelf 1, slot 1, line 1, channel 6, dnis 7895, Call Connected, MBID
LOG warning, Shelf 1, Controller, Time: 17:49:20--
shelf 1, slot 1, line 1, channel 6, dnis 7895, Call Disconnected
LOG info, Shelf 1, Controller, Time: 17:49:20--
shelf 1, slot 2, Call Terminated
Syslog messages initiated by a Secure Access Firewall
Depending on the settings specified in Secure Access Manager (SAM), the MAX TNT might generate Syslog packets about packets detected by Secure Access Firewall. By default, SAM specifies generation of a Syslog message about every packet blocked by the firewall. All messages initiated by a firewall are in the following format:
date time router name ASCEND: interface message
- date is the date the message was logged by syslog.
- time is the time the message was logged by syslog.
- router is the router this message was sent from.
- interface is the name of the interface (
, wan0
, and so on), unless a call filter logs the packet as it brings up the link, in which case the word call
- The message format has a number of fields, one or more of which may be present.
The message fields appear in the following order:
protocol local direction remote length frag log tag
Table B-1. Syslog message fields for Secure Access Firewalls
Can be the four hexadecimal character Ether Type or one of the following network protocol names: ARP, RARP, IPX, Appletalk. For IP protocols, the field contains either the IP protocol number (up to 3 decimal digits) or one of the following names: IP-in-IP, TCP, ICMP, UDP, ESP, AH. In the special case of ICMP, the field also includes the ICMP Code and Type ([Code]/[Type]/icmp).
For non-IP packets, local is the source Ethernet MAC address of transmitted packets and the destination Ethernet MAC address of received packets. For a nonbridged WAN connection, the two MAC addresses are zeros. For IP protocols, local is the IP source address of transmitted packets and the IP destination address of received packets. In the case of TCP or UDP, it also includes the TCP or UDP port number ([IP-address];[port]).
An arrow (<- or ->) indicating the direction in which the packet was traveling (receive and send, respectively).
For non-IP protocols, remote has the same format that local has non-IP packets, but remote shows the destination Ethernet MAC address of transmitted packets and the source Ethernet MAC address of received packets. For IP protocols, remote has the same format as local but shows the IP destination address of transmitted packets and the IP source address of received packets.
The length of the packet in octets (8-bit bytes).
Indicates that the packet has a nonzero IP offset or that the IP More-Fragments bit is set in the IP header.
Reports one or more messages based upon the packet status or packet header flags. The packet status messages include:
- corrupt-the packet is internally inconsistent
- unreach-the packet was generated by an "unreach=" rule in the firewall
- !pass-the packet was blocked by the data firewall
- bringup-the packet matches the call firewall
- !bringup-the packet did not match the call firewall
- TCP flag bits that will be displayed include syn, fin, rst.
- syn is will only be displayed for the initial packet which has the SYN flag and not the ACK flag set.
contains any user defined tags specified in the filter template used by SAM.
The backoff queue error message in the Syslog file
Accounting records are kept until they are acknowledged by the accounting server. Up to 100 unacknowledged records are stored in the backoff queue. If the unit never receives an acknowledgment to an accounting request, it will eventually run out of memory. In order to keep this situation from the occurring, the unit deletes the accounting records and displays this error message in the syslog file:
Backoff Q full, discarding user username
This error generally occurs for one of the following reasons:
- You enabled RADIUS accounting on the MAX TNT, but not on the RADIUS server.
- The Acct-Port or Acct-Key are incorrect. The Acct-Key must match the value assigned in the RADIUS clients file or the TACACS+ configuration file.
- You are using the Livingston server instead of the Ascend server.

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