Using the MAX TNT Debug Commands
This chapter covers the following topics:
Caution: Under most circumstances, debug commands are not required for correct operation
of the MAX TNT. And in some circumstances they might produce undesirable results. Please
use the following information with caution. Contact Ascend Technical Support with any
questions or concerns.
Enabling debug permissions
Before you can access the debug commands, you must log into the MAX TNT with a User profile that specifies debug privileges.
admin> open user admin
admin> set allow-debug=yesThis is a hidden parameter. It does not appear in the interface.
admin> write
Enabling debug output
To enable debug output for all commands on the system or on a card, use the Debug command as in the following examples.
hdlc-2/1> debug onTo disable debug:
Diagnostic output enabled
hdlc-2/1> debug offWhen you enable debug output, the MAX TNT displays the debug messages on the terminal screen.
Diagnostic output disabled
Debug levels
Debug levels vary depending on the command. But generally, the lower you set the debug level, the fewer messages the MAX TNT displays. Setting the debug level to 0 (zero) disables the debug output for the command. -t
option, as in the following examples:
admin> ifmgr -t 0
ifmgr debug level is now 0 (disabled)
admin> ifmgr -t 4
ifmgr debug level is now 4 (enabled)
Getting online help for debug commands
To see a list of all commands, including the debug commands, enter ?
at the command prompt, as in the following example:
admin> ?To get basic help for a debug command, enter the Help command, followed by the name of the debug command, as in the following example:
? ( user )
@fatalTest ( debug )
acctevnt ( debug )
addrpool ( debug )
ARA ( debug )
aracbmgr ( debug )
arptable ( system )
atmpdebug ( debug )
auth ( user )
briChannels ( system )
brouterDebug ( debug )
brouterLoad ( debug )
brouterMessage ( debug )
brouterSave ( debug )
brouterstats ( debug )
cadslLines ( system )
callback ( debug )
callblocks ( debug )
callroute ( diagnostic )
cbacctevnt ( debug )
cbcardif ( debug )
cbcifping ( debug )
[More? <ret>=next entry, <sp>=next page, <^C>=abort]
admin> help ifmgr
ifmgr usage: ifmgr -option
-d (d)isplay interface table entries.
-d <ifNum> (d)etails of given i/f table entry.
-t (t)oggle debug display.
ifmgr [up|down] [ifNum|ifName]
Using combinations of commands
Since most debug commands are designed to give a developer information about specific portions of MAX TNT functionality, you might find it helpful to use commands in combination to troubleshoot different problems.Networki
, Routmgr
and Wantoggle
to obtain a complete view of three functions involved in establishing a call.Modemdrvstate
, Modemdiag
and Mdialout
(if modem outdial is supported on your MAX TNT) to get all modem-related information for your calls.
Using the debug commands
Debug commands allow you to monitor and diagnose different areas of the MAX TNT functionality. This section lists some of the more common debug commands and the areas of the MAX TNT they apply to. Frame Relay
The following commands display information about Frame Relay interfaces.
Alphabetical list of debug commands
This section describes the MAX TNT debug commands in alphabetic order. The information is organized for quick reference, and does not include tutorials.
Description: The Acct-Failsafe debug command is available on the master shelf or the slot
host cards for verifying correct accounting proxying. Slave shelf controllers and slot line cards
do not support this command.
admin> acct-failsafeTo display information about the calls on any slot which are candidates for proxy accounting.:
usage: acct-failsafe -option [ params ]
-d <shelf> <slot>
(d)isplay AFS info for <shelf> <slot>
-d (d)isplay AFS info for all relevant slots (Slot host cards do not include the "-d" option.)
-t (t)oggle module debug level
-? display this summary
admin> acct-failsafe -dTo display the same information for a single slot card in shelf 1, slot 8:
Slot 1/8:
HashTable @ 10542160, bucketCount: 192, callCount: 23, hashName <afs- 1:8>
Slot 2/5:
HashTable @ 10585730, bucketCount: 48, callCount: 7, hashName <afs- 2:5>
admin> acct-failsafe -d 1 8To specify which level of debug to use for the command, use the -t option. A debug level of zero indicates none (no messages). A level of 7 is fairly verbose.
Slot 1/8:
HashTable @ 10542160, bucketCount: 192, callCount: 23, hashName <afs- 1:8>
Description: Displays messages related to dynamic address pooling. The command is a
toggle that alternately enables and disables the debug display.
Usage: Enter addrpool at the command prompt.
Example: Following are several examples of output produced when Addrpool is active.
With 18 addresses currently allocated from a pool:
ADDRPOOL: lanAllocate index 0 inuse 18The address was just allocated:
ADDRPOOL: allocate local pool address []The address is to be freed because the user of that address has hung up. The MAX TNT must find the pool to which the address belonged, then free the address so it is available for another user:
ADDRPOOL: found entry by base [] entry []In the IP Global profile, the Pool-Base-Address [1] is set to, and Assign-Count [1] is set to 4:
ADDRPOOL: free local pool address []
ADDRPOOL: Deleting addrPoolThe Assign-Address parameter of an existing pool is changed from 4 to 3:
ADDRPOOL: New Addr pool rc = 0
addrPool index 1 ip [] count 4
ADDRPOOL: Deleting addrPoolA second pool is created. In the IP Global profile, the Pool-Base-Address [2] is set to, and Assign-Count [2] is set to 10:
ADDRPOOL: New Addr pool rc = 0
addrPool index 1 ip [] count 3
ADDRPOOL: Deleting addrPoolThe second pool is deleted:
ADDRPOOL: New Addr pool rc = 0
addrPool index 1 ip [] count 4
ADDRPOOL: New Addr pool rc = 0
addrPool index 1 ip [] count 4
addrPool index 2 ip [] count 10
ADDRPOOL: Deleting addrPool
ADDRPOOL: New Addr pool rc = 0
addrPool index 1 ip [] count 4
Description: Displays messages related to Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol (ATMP)
sessions. (ATMP is described in RFC 2107.) The command is a toggle that alternately enables
and disables the debug display. You would normally use this command with the Tunneldebug
Usage: atmpdebug
The mobile node sends a request to foreign agent asking for connection to the home agent:
ATMP: sendRegReq: HA= RcvUdp=5150The home agent sets up a tunnel:
ATMP: Id=162, FA=
ATMP: MC=, HomeNetName=[]
ATMP: received cmd <RegisterRequest> from
ATMP: procRegReq: from=
ATMP: FA=, MC=, HomeNet=
ATMP: sendChallReq: to, Id=162, EC=Good completion
ATMP: received cmd <ChallengeReply> from
ATMP: procChallReply: from, Id=162
ATMP: sendRegisterReply: to udp=5150, Id=162, Tunnel=156, EC=Good completion
Description: Displays messages related to Link Control Protocol (LCP) authentication on the
MAX TNT. The command is a toggle that alternately enables and disables the debug display.
This command is available on host cards such as the HDLC card and the modem card, and on
dual host and network cards such as the SWAN card and the FrameLine card.
Usage: authendebug
Example: The following display indicates a successful PAP authentication.
AUTH: lcp_pap_req(remote=0)
AUTH-3: verify_pap(given<, pwdLen=6>)
AUTH-3: verify_pap No authData - getting one
AUTH-3: verify_pap: authDispatcher() == OK
AUTH-3: verify_pap_callback: AUTHCOMMAND_SUCCESS
Description: Displays messages related to the router functionality of the MAX TNT. The
command is a toggle that alternately enables and disables the debug display.
You can use this command for a general view of the load experienced by the MAX TNT.
Example: Typically, brouterdebug
displays very few messages. The following session
took place over a period of several minutes on a MAX TNT with 40-45 users active.
admin> brouterdebugThe BROUTER_LOAD_MSG message is an indication of how busy the MAX TNT router function is. A low number, as is illustrated here, indicates the router is not experiencing any problems.
BROUTER debug display is ON
admin> brouterdebug
BROUTER debug display is OFF
Description: Reports router backlog time, which indicates whether the MAX TNT is
experiencing any delay. The time is shown in ticks. Multiply the number of ticks by ten to get
the time in milliseconds.
You can use this command for a general view of the load experienced by the MAX TNT.
Example: The following display indicates no delays in the router.
admin> brouterload
BROUTER load time is 0 ticks (x10msec)
Description: Enables or disables the ability of the MAX TNT to send the contents of its
memory (core) to a specified UNIX host. The UNIX host must be running the Ascendump
daemon, which is available by contacting Ascend Technical Support. For details of using core
dumps, see Appendix A, "Getting MAX TNT Core Dumps. "
Coredump is a particularly useful tool for Ascend's development engineering, and is occasionally requested by Technical Support for troubleshooting specific issues.
Caution: Using this command will cause the MAX TNT to reboot after its memory (core)
has been dumped. Do not use this command unless specifically requested by an Ascend
coredump enable | local | remote [server ]
coredump disable
coredump now
coredump trace
admin> coredump local
coreDump: Sending arp request...
core dump server is \Q172.31.4.34 ip=[],
coredump over UDP is enabled locally only with server
admin> coredump disable
coredump over UDP is disabled locally only with server
admin> coredump
coredump over UDP is disabled locally only with server
admin> coredump enable
coreDump: Sending arp request...
coreDump: Sending arp request...
coreDump: Sending arp request...
coreDump aborted: Can't find ether address for first hop to
Description: Analyzes the CIDR tree and displays general statistics about the quantity of
nodes and levels in the CIDR tree.
Usage: Enter ctcheck at the command prompt.
admin> ctcheck
free nodes: 1309
active nodes: 181
total nodes: 492
active%: 36%
max level: 15
ave level: 10.37
Description: Displays messages related to CIDR routing. The command is a toggle that
alternately enables and disables the debug display.
Usage: Enter ctdebug at the command prompt.
admin> ctdebug
CIDR tree debug is 0
Description: Displays the statistics of the shelf controller's 3 cubit chips. The command used
to gather statistics from the chips. The cubit chips direct packet-bus traffic between each other,
between each other and the shelf-controller SAR and slot card SAR, and intershelf to other
Usage: cubit
-i|-z [
parameters ]
admin> cubit -sThe following example indicates that the multishelf is operating normally:
----- ------- ------- -------
received: 1316806 0 2740761
discarded: 0 0 0
misrouted: 0 0 0
HEC Error: 0 0 0
Resets: 0 5151 0
admin> cubit -s
----- ------- ------- -------
received: 557088 3990584 3497345
discarded: 0 0 0
misrouted: 0 0 0
HEC Error: 0 0 0
Resets: 0 0 0
Description: Displays the status of enabled tunnels on the MAX TNT.
Usage: Enter dtunnel at the command prompt.
admin> dtunnel
MajDev Proto Agent Mode HA Type IPX sap UDP password
------ ----- ---------- ------- ------- ----- --------
7 ATMP Home-Agent Router disabled 5150 ascend
Idle-Limit 120 mins
Tunnel 36734 IfNum 65535 Majdev 7 Agent Address
Ident=0x56 TN=0x47BF DnsSN=0
ATMP Home-Agent
State 5 (UP) Router Mode Home Network Name
Remote client Idle-Limit 120 mins
Client IP Address
Tunnel 36732 IfNum 65535 Majdev 7 Agent Address
Ident=0x55 TN=0x47BE DnsSN=0
ATMP Home-Agent
State 5 (UP) Router Mode Home Network Name
Remote client Idle-Limit 120 mins
Client IP Address
Description: Displays all statistics and error counters maintained by the 10Base-T Ethernet
Usage: ether-stats 0 n
Where 0 is the first Ethernet port for which to display statistics and n is the last.
admin> ether-stats 0
Tx unicast: 48382
non-unicast: 23736
octets: 10746332
collisions: 443
dma under: 0
cts loss: 0
no carrier: 0
late coll: 0
Rx unicast: 45952
non-unicast: 31307
octets: 13491043
collisions: 0
short frame: 0
dma over: 0
no resource: 0
Alignment: 0
Unaligns: 0
Length Errs: 0
Restarts: 0
admin> ether-stats 0-10
Tx unicast: 48559
non-unicast: 23784
octets: 10805138
collisions: 443
dma under: 0
cts loss: 0
no carrier: 0
late coll: 0
Rx unicast: 46165
non-unicast: 31500
octets: 13576590
collisions: 0
short frame: 0
dma over: 0
no resource: 0
Alignment: 0
Unaligns: 0
Length Errs: 0
Restarts: 0
Description: Displays information regarding the state of the Frame Relay connections,
focusing mostly on Data Link information. The command is a toggle that alternately enables
and disables the debug display.
Usage: Enter frdlstate at the command prompt.
admin> frdlstateIn this example, an outgoing call is to be placed. A route to the destination is available over a Frame Relay link. The following message appears:
FRDLCALL state display is now ON
FRDLCALL: Clear Call for route: 136The following message indicates that an outgoing call is connected:
FRDLCALL-136: call complete, status 1, 0 channelsThe next message indicates that either the MAX TNT or the far end device has destroyed a route. The MAX TNT updates its table to reflect this routing change.
FRDLCALL-136: dead call
FRDLCALL-136: route destroyed
Description: Displays a snapshot of the Frame Relay Interface table. The display shows data
for each DLCI assigned to a Frame Relay link.
Usage: Enter frdump at the command prompt.
admin> frdump
* Frname State DLinkAddr frmgrLink dlIfNum dlIfSpeed
frt14 CONNECTED 1012c920 15 0 738 512000
*dlci Addr ifNum routeID dataLink state
304 100cada0 23 136 1012c920 INACTIVE
frt18 CONNECTED 1012ffa0 14 0 742 1536000
*dlci Addr ifNum routeID dataLink state
306 101719a0 33 36 1012ffa0 ACTIVE
604 10193c60 27 32 1012ffa0 ACTIVE
603 10191fe0 26 31 1012ffa0 ACTIVE
frt17 CONNECTED 10149b60 13 0 741 1536000
*dlci Addr ifNum routeID dataLink state
305 101975e0 32 35 10149b60 ACTIVE
600 101910a0 24 30 10149b60 ACTIVE
303 1018cea0 22 28 10149b60 ACTIVE
301 10186360 20 26 10149b60 ACTIVE
frt16 CONNECTED 1017ad20 7 0 740 1536000
*dlci Addr ifNum routeID dataLink state
605 101961e0 29 34 1017ad20 ACTIVE
300 1018a820 21 27 1017ad20 ACTIVE
frswan4 CONNECTED 10125ba0 2 0 734 64000
*dlci Addr ifNum routeID dataLink state
411 101592a0 31 5 10125ba0 ACTIVE
407 10155ae0 30 4 10125ba0 ACTIVE
403 10153be0 25 3 10125ba0 ACTIVE
Description: Performs an Inverse ARP test over the specified Frame Relay link and DLCI.
You can use FRinARP to help troubleshoot connectivity and routing problems over a Frame
Relay link.
Usage: frinarp Frame_Relay_profile_name DLCI
admin> frinarp FR-1 38
frInArp: frinarp frname dlci
Inverse Arp op 2304 hw type 3840 prot type 8 hw len 2 prot len 4
Source Hw address 0401 Target Hw address 0000
Source Protocol address cd933401 Target Protocol address cd930005
Description: Displays Frame Relay control messages. The command is a toggle that
alternately enables and disables the debug display.
Usage: Enter frlinkstate at the command prompt.
admin> frlinkstateThe following message indicates that the MAX TNT sent a Frame Relay Status Enquiry. The Send sequence number is 135. The Receive sequence number is 134.
FR control msg display is ON
FRMAIN: time 67192300, send status enquiry (135,134)The next message indicates that DLCI 16 is being processed. This is a normal message. You should see one
message for each DLCI.
process pvc dlci 16
Description: Displays Frame Relay Link Management Interface (LMI) information. The
command is a toggle that alternately enables and disables the debug display.
Usage: Enter frlmi
at the command prompt.
admin> frlmiThe following message validates the consistency of sequence numbers in LMI messages. The 144 after
FRMAIN: Lmi display is ON
FRMAIN: Setting timer DTE
indicates the original sequence number the MAX TNT sent. The two numbers after the second got
indicate the switch's Send sequence number and the Switch's report of the last sequence number it received from the MAX TNT, respectively. The original sequence number should match the switch's report of the last sequence number it received.
FRMAIN: Time 67201400, got link report: want (*,144), got (144,144)
Description: Displays the Frame Relay link and DLCI information, including states and
Usage: Enter frmgrdump at the command prompt.
admin> frmgrdump
Data Link Info
B04FBD40 ACTIVE B04C0480 1532 19759603 19530429
enq sent = 66710 rsp rcvd = 66763
upd rcvd = 53 timeouts = 1
UI field = 0 PD field = 0
CR field = 0 msg type = 0
stat rsp = 0 lock shf = 0
inv info = 0 rpt type = 0
Last Error
type = 5
time = 6100
Fr Type 0 value: 20 octets @ B04FBE26
[0000]: 04 91 03 CC 45 00 00 3A 4B 0E 00 00 7F 11 54 D7
[0010]: CD 93 08 07
LMI type = AnnexD
DTE Monitor n391 = 6, t391 = 10, n392 = 3, n393 = 4
Event: recv seq 155 send Seq 155 Index = 0, cycles left = 4
DCE Monitor t392 = 15,n392 = 3, n393 = 4
Event: dce send seq 0 index = 0
DLCI info
--addr-- dlci --state- userHndl n201 --check- -pkt xmit- -pkt recv-
B04C09A0 0 ACTIVE 0 1532 NO CHECK 66710 66763
---DE--- --FECN-- --BECN-- -crTime- chgTime pending
0 0 0 100 100 FALSE
Description: Reports statistics about Frame Relay priority errors on a host card. All values in
its output should be zero. A non-zero value indicates an extreme shortage of memory.
hdlc-1/5> frPriorityErrs
_sendStatusEnquiryNoMbuf: 0
_mkStatusReplyNoBuf: 0
_mkStatusReplyMbuf: 0
Description: Toggles between Sprint and Frame Relay Forum LMI checks. The default is the
Sprint certification policy. In most cases, the default setting is correct and should not be
Usage: Enter frscert at the command prompt.
admin> frscert
frSCert is FRFCert
admin> frscert
frSCert is SCert
Description: Displays messages related to Frame Relay state changes. The command is a
toggle that alternately enables and disables the debug display.
Usage: Enter frstate at the command prompt.
Example: An administrator enables the display, data is received from the Frame Relay interface and processed, and the administrator disables the display.
admin> frstate
FRrly state display is ON
FRRLYIF: Calling frifRecv routeId 20
FR1490 dataFrom wan entry state 2
FRRLYIF: Send up stack ifnum 1
FRRLYIF: Calling frifRecv routeId 20
FR1490 dataFrom wan entry state 2
FRRLYIF: Send up stack ifnum 7
FRRLYIF: frIfSend ifNum 1
FR1490 data to wan entry state 2
FRRLYIF: datatoWan datalink B04C0480
admin> frstate
FRrly state display is OFF
Description: Displays the MAX TNT Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) information.
The command has little practical use other than as a tool for developmental engineering.
Description: Displays interface-table entries for the Ethernet interface, toggles the debug
display, and marks an interface as enabled or disabled. This command is available on the shelf
controller and on host cards such as the Ethernet, modem, HDLC, SWAN, and FrameLine
cards. The output differs slightly depending on where the command is executed.
Usage: ifmgr [
[ifnam/ifnum] | -t ] [up|down ifnum|ifname]
Example: To view the IFMgr usage summary for an Ethernet card in slot 4, first open a session to the card:
admin> open 1 4Then you can use the
option to view the interface number and name:
ether-1/4> ifmgr -dThe IFMgr
if slot:if u p ifname mac addr local-addr
000 0:00:000 * pb0 000000000000
001 1:17:011 * ie1-4-1 00c07b6d23f0
002 1:17:013 * ie1-4-2 00c07b6d23f1
003 1:17:015 * ie1-4-3 00c07b6d23f2
004 1:17:017 * ie1-4-4 00c07b6d23f3
005 1:17:019 * ie1-4-5 00c07b6d23f4
output for an Ethernet card contains the following fields:
Following is an example of disabling an interface:
ether-1/4> ifmgr down ie1-4-1
The IFMgr -d
output indicates that the interface is disabled by displaying a hyphen instead of an asterisk in the Up
ether-1/4> ifmgr -d
if slot:if u p ifname mac addr local-addr
000 0:00:000 * pb0 000000000000
001 1:17:011 - ie1-4-1 00c07b6d23f0
002 1:17:013 * ie1-4-2 00c07b6d23f1
003 1:17:015 * ie1-4-3 00c07b6d23f2
004 1:17:017 * ie1-4-4 00c07b6d23f3
005 1:17:019 * ie1-4-5 00c07b6d23f4
To mark an interface as up, use the
ether-1/4> ifmgr up ie1-4-1An interface can be administratively disabled by using the IFMgr command or by updating the Ethernet profile, or it can be marked as down by the Ethernet driver when Link-State-Enabled is Yes and Link-State is Down. Therefore, using the
option to the IFMgr command does not necessarily enable the interface. However, it does mark the interface as up.Following is an example of using the IFMgr command on the shelf controller:
admin> ifmgr -dThe IFMgr output on cards other than the Ethernet card includes the following fields:
bif slot sif u m p ifname host-name remote-addr local-addr
000 1:17 000 * ie0 -
001 1:17 001 * lo0 -
002 0:00 000 * rj0 -
003 0:00 000 * bh0 -
004 0:00 000 * wanabe -
005 0:00 000 * local -
006 0:00 000 * mcast -
007 0:00 000 - tunnel7 -
008 1:11 001 * p wan8 tnt-t1-t32
009 1:11 002 * p wan9 tnt-t1-t32
010 1:11 003 * p wan10 tnt-e1-t22
011 1:11 004 * p wan11 tnt-e1-t32
012 1:11 005 * p wan12 tnt-e1-t32
013 1:11 006 * p wan13 tnt-t1-t22
014 1:15 001 * p wan14 tnt-t1-s1-
015 1:11 007 * p wan15 tnt-e1-t22
016 1:11 008 * p wan16 cisco-t221
017 1:11 009 * p wan17 m-e1-t2211
018 1:11 010 * p wan18 m-e1-t2212
019 1:17 000 - p wan19 m2t81
020 1:17 000 - p wan20 m41
021 1:16 001 * p wan21 p1321n<>p1
[More? <ret>=next entry, <sp>=next page, <^C>=abort]
Following is an example of displaying information about a particular interface:
admin> ifmgr -d 009The ICMP-Reply-Directed-Bcast parameter in the IP-Global profile specifies whether the MAX TNT responds to directed-broadcast ICMP echo requests. If set to No, the system does not respond to any directed-broadcast ICMP requests. The setting of this parameter is shown in the Directed-Bcast field in the Ifmgr output.
inUse: Yes
hostName: tnt-t1-t3212-s4
ExternalAuth: No
ExternFilters: No
ExternRoutes @ 0
ExternIpxRoutes @ 0
miscInfo @ 0
DLCI routeId: 34
MP(P) id: 0
Logical iff: 2
virtual id: 0, virtual next @ 0, virtual main @ 0
minor device: 9
device status: 0x303
mtu: 1528
directed-bcast: no
macaddr: 000000000000
inp_qcnt: 0
out_qcnt: 0
Num pkts queued for brouter: 0
proxy_arp_mode: 0
proxy_arp_head: 0
No associated connection profile
Description: Displays incoming and outgoing IPX RIP traffic. The command is a toggle that
alternately enables and disables the debug display.
Usage: Enter ipxripdebug at the command prompt.
admin> ipxripdebug
IPX-RIP state display is ONThe following message appears as the MAX TNT sends an IPX RIP packet announcing its route:
IPXRIP: 10000a17 announced 0 routes on interface 1000:Next, a Pipeline 50 has dialed the MAX TNT. The MAX TNT receives a RIP route from the Pipeline.
IPXRIP: received response from ac1b0001:00c07b5e04c0 (1 nets).The following message indicates that the MAX TNT is delaying sending a RIP packet to prevent the interpacket arrival time from being shorter than busy/slow boxes can handle. An IPX router should never violate the minimum broadcast delay.
IPX-RIP: too soon to send on interface 1000.
IPXRIP: 10000a81 announced 0 routes on interface 1000:
IPXRIP: received response from ac1b0001:00c07b6204c0 (1 nets).
IPXRIP: 10000aa6 announced 0 routes on interface 1000:
IPXRIP: received response from ac1b0001:00c07b5504c0 (1 nets).
IPXRIP: 10000abc announced 0 routes on interface 1000:
Description: Displays messages related to external validation requests. You can use this
command in conjunction with radif
to troubleshoot authentication issues.
Usage: Enter lanval at the command prompt.
admin> lanval
LANVAL state display is ON
LANVAL: radius auth, id B054AD60
LANVAL: radius callback, id B054AD60, auth SUCCESS
LANVAL:_lanvFreeInfo: freeing iprof@B05A9360
Description: Displays ISDN layer 2 and layer 3 information. The command is a toggle that
alternately enables and disables the debug display.
Usage: Enter lifdebug at the command prompt.
Example: Following are several examples of LifDebug
admin> lifdebugA packet is being sent over the WAN. The packet is constructed:
LIF debug is now ON
LIF_SendPkt(): DSL 0, source 0x400, destination 0x300,The following message displays the contents of the packet:
event 0x340, SAPI 0, CES 1, Call_Id 77, Chan_Id 0
PACKET:Another packet is sent:
Header (4): a0 50 59 b0 Info (9): 08 02 00 00 84 08 02 80 90 01
L3_Go: source 0x400, event 0x340, DSL 0, call_id 77, ces 1
L3_ProcessUserEvent(): State 0x9, Event 0x84, Index 6,
DSL 0, CallID 77
LIF_SendPkt(): DSL 0, source 0x300, destination 0x205,
event 0x240, SAPI 0, CES 1, Call_Id 77, Chan_Id 0
Header (4): a0 50 59 b0 Info (9): 08 02 83 fe 45 08 02 80 90 00
L3_Go(): end of L3 task, NLCB State 10
L2_Go(): DSL_Id=0, SAPI=0, CES=1, TEI=0, Event=240
L2_ProcessEvent(): DSL 0, index 13, state 7
L2_ProcessEvent(): DSL 0, index 19, state 7
L2_Go(): DSL_Id=0, SAPI=0, CES=1, TEI=0, Event=1
L2_ProcessEvent(): DSL 0, index 1, state 7
L2_Go() end: DLCB->State 7
Description: Modifies the default modem AT command strings used by the modems on the
MAX TNT for both incoming and for outgoing calls. Previously, you could not modify the AT
command for modems on the MAX TNT. You could only affect the string in minor ways by
modifying the parameters in the Terminal-Server>Modem-Configuration subprofile. Note that
when the modem card or the MAX TNT is reset, the AT command strings revert to their
The MdbStr command also allows you to return the string to its factory default settings.
Caution: The AT command string initializes the modems it supports. When you change the
AT command string, you are changing the functionality of the modems. Use this command
with caution.
0 ] [
1 ] [
2 ] [
AT-command-string ]
Example: The following examples show you how to modify each portion of the AT command string:
To override the existing first string with a new string:
mdbstr 1 AT&F0&C1V1W1
This will override the second portion of the AT command string:
mdbstr 2 AT%C3\N3S2=255S95=44S91=10+MS=11,1,300,14400A
This will return both strings to their factory default settings:
mdbstr 0
Description: Displays messages related to modem dial out. This command can used in
conjunction with the ModemDrvState command to get detailed information about outbound
modem calls.
The command is a toggle that alternately enables and disables the debug display.
Example: In the following example, a modem on the MAX TNT prepares to make an outbound modem call, but never receives a dialtone.
admin> mdialout
MDIALOUT-2/4: >> CURR state=Await_Off_Hook, NEW event=Event_Off_Hook
MDIALOUT-2/4: connected to DSP!
MDIALOUT-2/4: rqst tone (14) via channelIndex 0
MDIALOUT-2/4: tone generation started.
MDIALOUT-2/4: >> CURR state=Await_Dial_Tone, NEW event=Event_Dialtone_On
MDIALOUT-2/4: decode timer started.
MDIALOUT-2/4: << NEW state=Await_1st_Digit
MDIALOUT-2/4: enabling tone search, channel index=0, timeslot=0
MDIALOUT-2/4: << NEW state=Await_1st_Digit
MDIALOUT-2/4: >> CURR state=Await_1st_Digit, NEW event=Event_On_Hook
MDIALOUT-2/4: stopping decode timer.
MDIALOUT-2/4: rqst tone (15) via channelIndex 0
MDIALOUT-2/4: disabling tone search, channel index=0
MDIALOUT-2/4: disconnected from DSP.
MDIALOUT-2/4: << NEW state=Await_Off_Hook
MDIALOUT-2/4: >> CURR state=Await_Off_Hook, NEW event=Event_Close_Rqst
MDIALOUT-?/?: << NEW state= <DELETED>
Description: Displays all the active modem dialout sessions.
Usage: Enter mdialsess at the command prompt.
admin> mdialsess
entry slot:mdm route port hookDetect DSP:tone:timr:decode state
1 6:4 145 16 pollForOff n : n : n : n Await_Off_Hook
ModemD1Stats, ModemD2Stats, ModemD3Stats
Description: Displays modem statistics. ModemD1Stats displays statistics for the first 16
modems, ModemD2Stats displays statistics for the second 16 modems, and ModemD3Stats
displays statistics for the last 16 modems.
Usage: modemd1stats
To use this command, first open a session with a modem card, then enter the command.
modem-1/2> modemd1stats
modem: ansFail ansOK 1-2400 2.4-14.4 14.4-up 21.6+up 28.8+up
1/ 0: 3 171 0 0 171 171 171
1/ 1: 3 171 0 0 171 171 171
1/ 2: 2 172 0 0 172 172 172
1/ 3: 2 172 0 0 172 172 171
1/ 4: 4 170 0 0 170 170 170
1/ 5: 1 173 0 0 173 173 172
1/ 6: 0 174 0 0 174 174 174
1/ 7: 1 173 0 0 173 173 173
1/ 8: 1 173 0 0 173 173 173
1/ 9: 0 174 0 0 174 174 174
1/10: 2 172 0 0 172 172 172
1/11: 1 173 0 0 173 173 173
1/12: 1 173 0 0 173 173 173
1/13: 0 174 0 0 174 174 174
1/14: 1 173 0 0 173 173 173
1/15: 3 171 0 0 171 171 170
Description: Displays information about the status of each modem.
Usage: Enter modemdrvdump at the command prompt.
Example: Following is a message about modem 0 (the first modem) in the modem card in slot 3 on the MAX TNT. The numbers in brackets indicate number of calls with unexpected open requests, unexpected Rcode events, unexpected release events, and unexpected timeouts:
MODEMDRV-3/0: Unexp Open/Rcode/Rlsd/TimOut=[0,0,0,0]
Description: Displays communication to and from the modem driver on the MAX TNT. You
can see which buffers are allocated and which AT command strings are being used to establish
modem connections.
You can also determine whether data is received from the modem in an understandable format. If line quality is poor, the modem driver attempts to parse incoming data from the modem, but it might not be successful. This command can used in conjunction with the MDialout command to get detailed information about outbound modem calls.
Usage: Enter modemdrvstate at the command prompt.
Example: Following are examples of a modem call coming into the MAX TNT, and a modem call being cleared from the MAX TNT:
admin> modemdrvstateModem 1 on the modem card in slot 3 has been assigned to answer an incoming modem call:
MODEMDRV debug display is ON
MODEMDRV-3/1: modemOpen modemHandle B04E3898, hdlcHandle B026809C, orig 0The modem is idle, so it is available to answer the call:
MODEMDRV-3/1: _processOpen/IDLEThe next two lines show the MAX TNT modem sending the first string:
MODEMDRV: Answer String, Part 1 - AT&F0E0+A8E=,,,0A buffer needs to be allocated for sending the command out to the WAN:
MODEMDRV-3/1: _hdlcBufSentFnc: buffer = 2E12EAE0, status = SENTBuffers are allocated for data being received from the WAN:
MODEMDRV-3/1: _hdlcBufRcvdFnc: data=2E13ADF0, len=8, parseState[n,v]=[0,0], status= RCVDThe MAX TNT modem receives an OK from the calling modem:
MODEMDRV-3/1: _hdlcBufRcvdFnc: data=2E13BA20, len=5, parseState[n,v]=[0,0], status= RCVD
MODEMDRV-3/1: data =OKThe process is repeated for strings 2 and 3:
MODEMDRV-3/1: processTimeout/DIAL_STR2[2D]Now result codes are processed to clarify the characteristics of the connection.
MODEMDRV: Answer String, Part 2 - AT&C1V1\V1W1X4S10=60
MODEMDRV-3/1: _hdlcBufSentFnc: buffer = 2E12EAE0, status = SENT
MODEMDRV-3/1: _hdlcBufRcvdFnc: data=2E13C038, len=2, parseState[n,v]=[0,0], status= RCVD
MODEMDRV-3/1: data = 0
MODEMDRV-3/1: _processTimeout/DIAL_STR3
MODEMDRV: Answer String, Part 3 - AT%C3\N3S2=255S95=44S91=10+MS=11,1,300,33600,A
MODEMDRV-1/1: _hdlcBufRcvdFnc: data=9880C628, len=48, parseState[n,v]=[1,0], stDAt this point the modem call is up, and the modem driver has completed tis tasks. The call will be passed to Ethernet resources:
MODEMDRV-1/1: data =
CONNECT 115200/V34/LAPM/V42BIS/28800:TX/33600:
MODEMDRV-1/1: decodeSLC[15]=<CONNECT 115200/> checking for error correction
MODEMDRV-1/1: decodeSLC[4]=<V34/> checking for error correction
MODEMDRV-1/1: decodeSLC[5]=<LAPM/> checking for error correction[29]
MODEMDRV-1/1: decodeSLC[7]=<V42BIS/> checking for compression[21]
MODEMDRV-1/1: decodeSLC[9]=<28800:TX/> checking for xmit[1]
MODEMDRV-1/1: _hdlcBufRcvdFnc: data=9880C828, len=4, parseState[n,v]=[4,0], staD
MODEMDRV-1/1: data = RX
> checking for recv[0]C[9]=<33600:RX
decodeSLC complete
MODEMDRV-3/1: _processRcodeEvent/AWAITING RLSD, mType=5, RLSD=0Following is the normal sequence of steps for a modem call that is cleared (by either modem). Modem 5 on the modem card in slot 7 of the MAX TNT is freed from the previous call, and it is reinitialized (so it is available for the next call).
MODEMDRV-3/1: _processRlsdChange/AWAITING RLSD = 1
MODEMDRV-7/5: modemClose modemHandle B04E6F38
MODEMDRV-7/5: _closeConnection:ONLINE, event=3
MODEMDRV-7/5: _processTimeout/INIT
Description: Displays information about related channel addition with Multilink Point-to-
Point connections. This information is not related to MP+ or BACP connections. This
command displays only information from connections established as MP (RFC1717)
The command is a toggle that alternately enables and disables the debug display.
admin> mpcmtoggle
MPCM debug is now ON
MPCM-432: adding 1 channels
Description: Displays information for a specified, active, MP or MP+ connection, including
the options negotiated the connection. This command can be extremely helpful when
researching MP or MP+ compatibility issues.
IFmgr -d
and specify a interface name or number.
Usage: Enter mpentry at the command prompt.
Example: The following example shows an MP+ call (noted as MPP). The End Point Discriminator
(used to bundle the channels together) is shown under bundle id
. In this case, it
is the hardware MAC address of the calling device.
admin> mpentry
MpID required
admin> mpentry 28
MP entry 28 @ B055DE60
MpID 28, Flags: delete No, remote No, ncp Yes, mpp Yes bacp No
bundle id: 15 octets @ B0558BE0
[0000]: 03 00 C0 7B 53 97 07 73 65 63 61 2D 68 73 76
vjInfo @ B0562060
startTime 227521989, mrru: local 1524, peer 1524
send: ifIx 1, count 0, seq 77268 / recv: seq 75046
IF 50, send idle 0, recv idle 1, last seq 75045 mode 0 #chans 1
Reassembe packet cnt 0 bad lrg pkts 0
Description: Displays MP+ call-management information. The command is a toggle that
alternately enables and disables the debug display. You can use it in conjunction with the
MPtoggle command, since each command logs debug from a different place in code, but both
display information based on multichannel connections.
Usage: Enter mppcm at the command prompt.
admin> mppcmThe following 8 messages indicate that a second channel is added to a 1-channel MP+ connection:
MPPCM debug is now ON
MPP-5: Event = Utilization, CurrentState = Idle/AThe following 12 messages indicate that a remote management session is brought up for the MP+ user with MpID 28. You can open a remote session to an MP+ user from the terminal server.
MPP-5: check dynamic says: current = 1, recommended = 2
MPP-5: requesting 1 additional channel(s)
MPP-5: 1 call(s) posssible.
MPP-5: new state is: Add/C
MPP-5: Event = RxAddComplete, CurrentState = Add/C
MPP-5: enterIdleA, AddLock = Yes, RemoveLock = No
MPP-5: new state is: Idle/A
MPP-28: Event = StartRM, CurrentState = Idle/A
MPP-28: start remote management
MPP-28: new state is: Idle/A
MPP-28: Event = RxRmRsp, CurrentState = Idle/A
MPP-28: remote management response (0)
MPP-28: new state is: Idle/A
MPP-28: Event = RxRmTxReq, CurrentState = Idle/A
MPP-28: new state is: Idle/A
MPP-28: Event = RecvRMM, CurrentState = Idle/A
MPP-28: new state is: Idle/A
MPP-28: Event = StopRM, CurrentState = Idle/A
MPP-28: stop remote management
admin> mppcm
MPPCM debug is now OFF
Description: Displays information about MP and MP+ connections. You can use this
command in conjunction with the MPPCM command, since each command logs debug from a
different place in code, but both display information based on multichannel connections. The
command is a toggle that alternately enables and disables the debug display.
Usage: Enter mptoggle at the command prompt.
admin> mptoggle
MP debug is now ON
MP-26: sending control message 191
MP-5: sending control message 76
admin> mptoggle
MP debug is now OFF
Description: The MSstat command displays information about communications with other
shelves over the TAXI bus. On the master shelf, the command displays statistics for the slave
shelves. On a slave shelf, it displays statistics for the master and other slaves.
Usage: msstat
Example: From a master shelf:
admin> msstatNote that there are entries for all shelves (2-9), even though this system has only three shelves.
SH State TxQs TxSeq RxSeq Resend Timer LinkUp
2 4 0 13312 13116 3 0 2
3 4 0 12405 11822 0 0 2
4 2 0 0 0 0 1 0
5 2 0 0 0 0 1 0
6 2 0 0 0 0 1 0
7 2 0 0 0 0 1 0
8 2 0 0 0 0 1 0
9 2 0 0 0 0 1 0
The MSstat command's output includes the following fields:
Field |
Description |
Shelf number
Indicates the state of the multishelf communications. Values can be:
Number of mssages in queue but not yet sent.
Number of messages sent.
Number of messages received.
Number of retransmitted messages.
Number of seconds the shelf has been in the current state.
Number of times communications between the shelves have been established.
Example: From a slave shelf:
shelf-router-3/17> msstat
SH State TxQs TxSeq RxSeq Resend Timer LinkUp
1 4 0 13693 13991 0 0 1Note that on a slave shelf, only the master shelf is shown.
Description: Displays the MAX TNT network interface mappings.
Usage: netif -m -q -t -v -?
Syntax element |
Description |
Display mappings for the specified map type.
Display the queue for a map.
Toggle debug display.
Display valid mapping tables.
Display this summary.
admin> netif -v
map 0x1042C0E0: type 0 (call-id), id 0x1042B5A0
admin> netif -m 0
1 1 52 2
1 6 90 58
1 6 89 57
1 6 86 56
1 6 78 51
1 6 72 50
1 6 71 49
1 6 70 48
1 6 69 47
1 6 68 46
1 6 62 45
1 6 61 44
Description: Displays information about calls as they are first presented to the MAX TNT.
The MAX TNT assigns a numeric tag to each call in order to monitor the connection. (After a
call passes through this section of code, it typically moves to a call-route manager, and is
monitored with the RoutMgr diagnostic command.)
The Networki command is a toggle that alternately enables and disables the debug display.
admin> networkiThe following messages indicate a new call coming into the MAX TNT. This is a normal string of messages for most calls:
NETWORKI debug is now ON
** CALL 30 RINGING globDsl 0, channel 23, session 999The call is assigned a callID of 23 and a routeID of 123:
NETWORKI: cached callID 30, routeID 123Resources have been allocated for the call. The MAX TNT then begins the process of answering the call:
NETWORKI: answering incoming call for route 123The MAX TNT checks its call-route table to verify that it has an entry for the new call:
NETWORKI: found callID 30 for routeWith the next message, the call has been answered. The MAX TNT then determines where to route the call.
NETWORKI: found session for route 123
NETWORKI: clearSessionData
NETWORKI: answerCallRequest( 30, 123 )
** CALL 30 CONNECTED globDsl 0, channel 23, session 26At this point, the call is passed to another function, and Networki no longer applies to this call.
NETWORKI: call state connected, callid: 30
networki::pending call, checking for session completeness
NETWORKI: completeTransaction, route 123
NETWORKI: First call completed. Got base profile, service 1, type 0
NETWORKI: activateChannelList for route 123
clear enter NETWORKI: clearSessionData
clear exit clear done
Following is a normal string of messages showing a call being cleared.
NETWORKI: clearSession
NETWORKI: Aborting transaction, route 102
NETWORKI: clearing retries
NETWORKI: callid 6 added to pending clear list
** CALL 6 INACTIVE globDsl 0, channel 23, session 999
Description: Displays the entire OSPF AVL tree.
Caution: With earlier software, this command caused the MAX TNT to reset. Do not use this
command unless your MAX TNT is running 2.0 or later software.
admin> ospfavltree
dest mask Lptr Rptr Myaddr mrkedDl
0x 0 0x 0 0x 0 0x 0 0x1038dc00 0x0
0x 650a 0x ffff 0x 0 0x 0 0x104ef168 0x0
0x 200650a 0xffffffff 0x104ef168 0x 0 0x104ef0b8 0x0
0x 660a 0x ffff 0x104ef0b8 0x104ed66c 0x104ef0e4 0x0
0x 200660a 0xffffffff 0x 0 0x 0 0x104ef13c 0x0
0x 670a 0x ffff 0x104ef13c 0x104edb68 0x104ed66c 0x0
Description: Tests the multishelf packet bus by using it to send traffic from one shelf
controller to another.
The PBecho command is similar to Ping in that it sends a packet to a known destination and echoes the packet back. Because each cell contains a unique destination address to a shelf and slot within the system, you can test the packet bus by simply sending packets across it.
Example: In the following example, an administrator sends a thousand 1500-byte packets from the master shelf-controller to the slave shelf-controller in shelf 3:
admin> pbecho 3 17 1000 1500The output of the command indicates that the slave controller received 1000 packets and echoed them back to the master shelf-controller. To further test the packet bus traffic across the multishelf system, the administrator could repeat the command a few times with different packet sizes, then, use the same command to send packets from the slave shelf-controller to the master.
pbus: Echo packets sent: 1000 rcvd: 1000 error: 0
Description: Displays a list of all permanent connection profiles in the MAX TNT.
Usage: Enter permconn-list at the command prompt.
Description: Displays a snapshot of a large selection of memory pools, the size of each pool,
and the status of each pool. At the end of the list is a summary of the total memory allocation in
the MAX TNT.
Memory is dynamically allocated to support various tasks, and should be freed when a particular task has been completed. Taking pools snapshots over an extended period of time can help troubleshoot a problem with a memory leak, in which memory is allocated for a task but never freed.
Example: The number of pools displayed is usually very large. The following example displays just a portion of the typical output.
admin> poolsThe first portion of the Pools command output includes the following fields:
Pool Name size limit inUse hiWat heapAdrs
Accounting Session Change Registrants 8 0 1 1 103CCAE0
AcctEvnt 14 0 127 127 103CCAE0
AfsHashEntry 191 0 0 0 103CCBE0
AfsTaskMsg 219 0 0 0 103CCBE0
AssignedChannelPool 32 0 127 139 103CCAE0
AuthData 116 0 0 0 103CCBE0
BrouterPool 80 0 2 14 103CCB60
volatile profile instance 16 0 171 184 103CCAE0
volatile profile type info 12 0 7 7 103CCAE0
Following the list of pools, the Pools command displays a summary of memory usage:
total pools: 175
total buffers in use: 10593
total memalloc: 261685
total memfree: 258558
memalloc in use: 3129
memalloc failures: 0
memfree failures: 0
memalloc high water: 3146
Histogram of memalloc'd memory block sizes:Following are descriptions of some of the more important fields in this display:
2659 buffers in range [64,127]
632 buffers in range [128,255]
2 buffers in range [256,511]
22 buffers in range [512,1023]
9 buffers in range [1024,2047]
21 buffers in range [2048,4095]
3 buffers in range [4096,8191]
7 buffers in range [8192,16383]
6 buffers in range [32768,65535]
2 buffers in range [131072,262143]
1 buffers in range [262144,524287]
Total memory in use: 1295104 bytes in 3364 buffers
Histogram of free memory block sizes:
12 buffers in range [128,255]
1 buffers in range [256,511]
2 buffers in range [1024,2047]
1 buffers in range [1048576,2097151]
Total free memory: 1503680 bytes in 16 buffers
Description: Displays information about the MAX TNT ports.
Usage: portinfo port-number
admin> portinfo 1
Printing fixed/allocated ports for slot 1
Linear Port: 1
- fixed: TRUE
- relative #: 0
- paired port: 65535
- slave: FALSE
- physical: FALSE
Description: Very similar to the WANdisplay diagnostic command. But the PPPdump
command strips out escape characters that are present for asynchronous PPP users (who are
dialing in with modems). The escape characters are necessary because of the asynchronous
nature of the data stream. Stripping them out simply clarifies the presentation of the data.
If you enter the command while traffic through your MAX TNT is heavy, the resulting amount of output can make it tedious to find the information you're looking for. The screen might even display the message
----- data lost -----
, which just means that not all the output can be displayed on the screen.pppdump
where n is the number of octets to display per frame. Specifying a value of 0 (zero) disables the logging of this data.
The following frames were logged by entering wandisplay 64:
7E FF 7D 23 C0 21 7D 21 7D 21 7D 20 7D 37 7D 22 7D 26 7D 20 7D 2A 7D 20 7D 20 2D 7D 23 7D 26 3A AA 7ETo get the data stream without escape characters, the 0x7D bytes need to be stripped, and the byte following each 0x7D byte needs to be decremented by 0x20.
7E FF 7D 23 C0 21 7D 21 7D 21 7D 20 23 7D 20 7D 24 7D 20 7D 20 7D 22 7D 7E
With PPP dump, the data is automatically converted and displayed:
7E FF 03 C0 21 01 01 00 17 02 06 00 0A 00 00 2D 03 06 3A AA 7E 7ESee Also: WANdisplay, WANnext, WANopen
FF 03 C0 21 01 01 00 23 00 24 00 00 02 7E
Description: Displays changes to the PPP state machine as PPP users connect. The command
is a toggle that alternately enables and disables the debug display.
Usage: First open a session with a host card, then enter pppfsm at the command prompt.
Example: The following display shows the complete establishment of a PPP session:
admin> pppfsm
PPPFSM state display is ON
PPPFSM-97: Layer 0 State INITIAL Event OPEN...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State STARTING
PPPFSM-97: Layer 0 State STARTING Event UP...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State REQSENT
PPPFSM-97: Layer 1 State INITIAL Event UP...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State CLOSED
PPPFSM-97: Layer 2 State INITIAL Event UP...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State CLOSED
PPPFSM-97: Layer 3 State INITIAL Event UP...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State CLOSED
PPPFSM-97: Layer 4 State INITIAL Event UP...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State CLOSED
PPPFSM-97: Layer 5 State INITIAL Event UP...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State CLOSED
PPPFSM-97: Layer 6 State INITIAL Event UP...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State CLOSED
PPPFSM-97: Layer 7 State INITIAL Event UP...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State CLOSED
PPPFSM-97: Layer 8 State INITIAL Event UP...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State CLOSED
PPPFSM-97: Layer 9 State INITIAL Event UP...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State CLOSED
PPPFSM-97: Layer 0 State REQSENT Event RCONFREJ...
PPPFSM: irc_new scr 4
PPPFSM-97: ...New State REQSENT
PPPFSM-97: Layer 0 State REQSENT Event RCONFACK...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State ACKRECD
PPPFSM-97: Layer 0 State ACKRECD Event RCONFREQ...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State ACKRECD
PPPFSM-97: Layer 0 State ACKRECD Event RCONFREQ...
PPPFSM-97: Layer 1 State CLOSED Event OPEN...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State REQSENT
PPPFSM-97: ...New State OPENED
PPPFSM-97: Layer 6 State CLOSED Event OPEN...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State REQSENT
PPPFSM-97: Layer 4 State CLOSED Event OPEN...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State REQSENT
PPPFSM-97: Layer 4 State REQSENT Event RCONFREQ...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State REQSENT
PPPFSM: ccp Packet code 1
PPPFSM-97: Layer 6 State REQSENT Event RCONFREQ...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State REQSENT
PPPFSM: ccp Packet code 2
PPPFSM-97: Layer 6 State REQSENT Event RCONFACK...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State ACKRECD
PPPFSM-97: Layer 4 State REQSENT Event RCONFACK...
PPPFSM-97: ...New State ACKRECD
Description: Displays information about established PPP sessions. The command has little
practical use other than as a tool for developmental engineering.
Usage: pppinfo index [
all ]
Syntax element |
Description |
Selects a particular PPP information table.
Displays information about embedded structures.
admin> pppinfo 1
Ncp[LCP] = B02B396C
Ncp[AUTH] = B02B39BC
Ncp[CHAP] = B02B3A0C
Ncp[LQM] = B02B3A5C
Ncp[BNCP] = B02B3AFC
Ncp[CCP] = B02B3B4C
Ncp[IPXNCP] = B02B3B9C
Mode = async
nOpen pending = 0
LocalAsyncMap = 0
RemoteAsyncMap = 0
Peer Name = N/A
Rmt Auth State = RMT_NONE
aibuf = 0
ipcp = B03E502C
vJinfo = 0
localVjInfo = 0
bncpInfo = B03E559C
ipxInfo = B03E55DC
remote = no
Bad FCS = a
Description: Displays the state of a PPP connection. Different PPP calls can be routed (call
routing, as opposed to IP or IPX routing) through a MAX TNT differently. The command is a
toggle that alternately enables and disables the debug display.
The command has little practical use other than as a tool for developmental engineering.
Example: The following message indicates that data is moved directly from the WAN to the Ethernet segment. WAN data can be redirected to other resources (X.75 handler or V.120 handler) before it is ready to be sent to the Ethernet segment.
PPP-116: Redirect async wan direct
Description: Display all ISDN PRI D-channel signaling packets that are either received or
sent through the PRI interfaces.
Usage: To use this command, first open a session with a network card configured for PRI signaling (for example, a T1 or E1 card). Then enter the PRIdisplay command. The command uses the following syntax:
pridisplay number-of-octets-to-display line
e1-1/15> pridisplay 128 0
Display the first 128 bytes of PRI messages
e1-1/15> PRI-XMIT-7: 10:37:00: 4 of 4 octets
800F1020: 00 01 01 73 ...s
PRI-RCV-7: 10:37:00: 4 of 4 octets
800F3CA0: 00 01 01 73 ...s
PRI-XMIT-7: 10:37:10: 4 of 4 octets
800F1020: 00 01 01 73 ...s
PRI-RCV-7: 10:37:10: 4 of 4 octets
800F3CA0: 00 01 01 73 ...s
PRI-XMIT-7: 10:37:20: 4 of 4 octets
800F1020: 00 01 01 73 ...s
PRI-RCV-7: 10:37:20: 4 of 4 octets
800F3CA0: 00 01 01 73 ...s
PRI-XMIT-7: 10:37:30: 4 of 4 octets
800F38E0: 00 01 01 73 ...s
PRI-RCV-7: 10:37:30: 4 of 4 octets
800F3CE0: 00 01 01 73 ...s
pridisplay 0
PRI message display terminated
Description: Displays RADIUS accounting information. The RADacct command displays
very few messages if RADIUS Accounting is functioning correctly.(RADif
displays more
detailed information for troubleshooting RADIUS-related issues.) The RADacct command is a
toggle that alternately enables and disables the debug display.
Usage: Enter radacct at the command prompt.
admin> radacctA user hangs up and a stop record is generated.
RADACCT debug display is ON
RADACCT-147:stopRadAcctThe following message indicates that there is some load on the network, and the sending of a stop record is delayed. This is not necessarily an indication of a problem.
RADACCT-147:_endRadAcct: STOP was delayed
Description: Displays RADIUS-related messages. RADif is a powerful diagnostic command,
because it displays RADIUS messages the MAX TNT receives as well as messages that it
sends. Output from RADif
, in conjunction with running your RADIUS daemon in debug mode
(using the -x
option), gives you virtually all the information you need to clarify issues relating
to user authentication.
You can also validate the IP port that you have configured (or think you have configured), and the user name that is being sent by the client.
Example: Following are messages you might see for a successful RADIUS authentication:
RADIF: authenticating <8:my_name> with PAPThe IP address and RADIUS Daemon Authentication port are displayed:
RADIF: _radiusRequest: id 41, user name <9:my_name>
RADIF: _radiusRequest: challenge len = <0>
RADIF: _radiusRequest: socket 5 len 89 ipaddr 01010101 port 65534->1645The response is sent back from RADIUS. In this case, the user
RADIF: _radCallback
RADIF: _radCallback, buf = B05BBFA0
has passed authentication. Following is a list of the most common responses:
1 - Authentication Request
2 - Positive acknowledgement
3 - Rejection
4 - Accounting request
5 - Accounting response
7 - Password change request
8 - Password change positive acknowledgement
9 - Password change rejection
11 - Access challenge
29 - Password - next code
30 - Password New PIN
31 - Password Terminate Session
32 - Password Expired
RADIF: _radCallback, authcode = 2After, authenticating a user, the RADIUS daemon sends the attributes from the user profile to the MAX TNT. The MAX TNT creates the user's Connection profile from these attributes, and RADif displays them. (See the MAX TNT RADIUS Configuration Guide for a complete list of attribute numbers.)
RADIF: Authentication Ack
RADIF: attribute 6, len 6, 00 00 00 02A RADIUS Accounting Start packet is sent to the RADIUS Accounting Server (using port 1646):
RADIF: attribute 7, len 6, 00 00 00 01
RADIF: attribute 8, len 6, ff ff ff fe
RADIF: attribute 9, len 6, ff ff ff 00
RADIF: attribute 11, len 12, 73 74 64 2e
RADIF: attribute 12, len 6, 00 00 05 dc
RADIF: attribute 10, len 6, 00 00 00 00
RADIF: attribute 13, len 6, 00 00 00 01
RADIF: attribute 244, len 6, 00 00 11 94
RADIF: attribute 169, len 6, 00 00 11 94
RADIF: attribute 170, len 6, 00 00 00 02
RADIF: attribute 245, len 6, 00 00 00 00
RADIF: attribute 235, len 6, 00 00 00 01
RADIF: _radiusAcctRequest: id 42, user name <9:my_name>
RADIF: _radiusAcctRequest: socket 6 len 82 IP cf9e400b port 1646, ID=42
RADIF: _radCallback
RADIF: _radCallback, buf = B05433C0
RADIF: _radProcAcctRsp: user:<9:my_name>, ID=42
Description: Use this command to verify the configuration you have set in the External-Auth
Usage: Enter radservdump at the command prompt.
This does not display any information related to the configuration of either your RADIUS Authentication server or your RADIUS Accounting server.
admin> radservdump
Rad serv vars: port=1700,sockId=8
0) clients=1010101
1) clients=2020202
2) clients=0
3) clients=0
4) clients=0
5) clients=0
6) clients=0
7) clients=0
8) clients=0
Description: Displays the state of all RADIUS Accounting sessions.
Usage: Enter radsessdump at the command prompt.
admin> radsessdumpThe RADsessdump command displays the following information:
RadActSess: state route sessID nasPort authM evTime
loadd 00289 252365175 012032 local 523932
loadd 00288 252365174 012032 local 523946
loadd 00287 252365173 012032 local 523945
loadd 00286 252365172 012032 local 523946
loadd 00227 252355493 012032 local 370610
loadd 00226 252355492 012032 local 370611
loadd 00225 252355491 012032 local 370608
loadd 00224 252355490 012032 local 370609
loadd 00004 252332182 012032 none 29
loadd 00003 252332181 012032 none 28
loadd 00002 252332180 012032 none 27
loadd 00001 252332179 012032 none 26
Column Name: |
Description |
The state of the RADIUS accounting parameters and any accounting requests that have been sent. Values can be:
Internal route ID.
Session ID. This depends on the route ID.
Statistics about the call. The first two digits indicate the type of call: 1 indicates a digital call, 2 indicates an analog call. The next two digits indicate the line on which the call was received. The last two digits indicate the channel on which the call was received.
Method of authentication.
Event time. This is a time stamp.
Description: Displays a compilation of RADIUS Authentication and Accounting statistics.
Usage: Enter radstats at the command prompt.
admin> radstatsIn the following message,
RADIUS authen stats:
denotes Authentication. O
denotes Other. There were 612 Authentication requests sent and 612 Authentication responses received:
0 sent[A,O]=[612,15], rcv[A,O]=[612,8]602 were authenticated successfully, and 18 were not:
timout[A,O]=[0,6], unexp=0, bad=18, authOK=602In the next message, the IP address of the RADIUS server is, and the
indicates whether or not this RADIUS server is the current authentication server. (You can have several configured RADIUS servers, but only one is current at any one time.) 0
indicates no. 1
indicates yes.
IpAddress, curServerFlag 1The next message indicates that the MAX TNT sent 1557 Accounting packets and received 1555 responses (
RADIUS accounting stats:
from the Accounting server). Therefore, the unexp
value is 2
. This is not necessarily an indication of a problem, but might be the result of the MAX TNT timing out a particular session before receiving an ACK
from the RADIUS server. Momentary traffic load might cause this condition. The value of bad
is the number of packets that were formatted incorrectly by either the MAX TNT or the RADIUS server.
0 sent=1557, rcv=1555, timout=0, unexp=2, bad=0In the next message, note that the Accounting server is different from the Authentication server. The Accounting and Authentication servers do not need to be running on the same host, although they can be.
IpAddress, curServerFlag 1The next two messages can be used to look for traffic congestion problems or badly formatted Accounting packets. Under typical conditions, you might see a few packets whose acknowledgments fail.
Local Rad Acct Stats:
The following message indicates whether any RADIUS requests have been dropped by the MAX TNT. With this particular message, no requests were dropped. 1557 were sent successfully.
nSent[OK,fail]=[1557,0], nRcv=1557, nDrop[QFull,Other]=[0,0]The following message indicates whether any session timeouts resulted from failure to receive RADIUS responses. The message also indicates responses that are received by the MAX TNT but do not match any expected responses. The MAX TNT keeps a list of sent requests, and expects a response for each request. In the following message, one response was received from the RADIUS server that did not match any of the requests that the MAX TNT had sent out. This might be caused by a corrupted response packet, or by the MAX TNT timing out the session before the response was received.
nRsp[TimOut,NoMatch]=[0,1], nBackoff[new,norsp]=[0,0]The following messages display a summarized list of RADIUS server statistics.
Local Rad Serv Stats:
index 0 #Sent = 0, #SendFail=0 badAuthRcv = 0, badPktRcv = 0
Description: This command resets the MAX TNT. When you reset the unit, it restarts and all
active connections are terminated. All users are logged out and the default security level is
reactivated. In addition, any active WAN lines are temporarily shut down due to loss of
signaling or framing information. After a reset, the MAX TNT runs POST (power-on
Usage: reset
Example: To reset the unit:
admin> resetSee Also: NVRAM
Description: Displays the serial number of the box.
Usage: Enter revision at the command prompt.
Example: In the following message, 7172461 is the serial number of the MAX TNT.
admin> revision
revision = 0 1 10 7172461
Description: Displays information about the routing of incoming calls to either the Ethernet
or modem ports. RoutMgr, when used in conjunction with Networki, can show valuable call
routing information. If you have problems with users not connecting, and the incoming calls
disconnect within one or two seconds of being presented to the MAX TNT, use RoutMgr and
Networki to look for possible clues.
The command is a toggle that alternately enables and disables the debug display.
admin> routmgrThere are no port limitations configured in the T1 profile:
ROUTMGR debug is now ON
ROUTMGR: buildIncomingRoute, port 0, phone <4990>
ROUTMGR: routMgrTask routeID=106, port=0, phone=4990
ROUTMGR-106: _matchPhoneNumber
ROUTMGR-106: _matchAnyPortThe next two messages show that the Bearer Capability in the ISDN setup message for the call indicates that it is a voice call, and that the call is routed to an available modem:
ROUTMGR-106: voice callAt this point, the call is passed to other MAX TNT functions to continue the connection setup.
ROUTMGR: giving call to lan/hostif
Following is output from RoutMgr when a call is cleared.
ROUTMGR: destroyRoute routeID = 106, cause = CLEAR
ROUTMGR-106: port is 59
ROUTMGR: deallocateCapabilityrouteID=106, capability=ALL
ROUTMGR: route 106 destroyed
Description: Shows packet bus statistics. Packet-bus traffic enters and exits a slot card (and
shelf controller) by means of a chip called a SAR.
Usage: sar -option
Where -option is one of the following:
In the following example, an administrator checks for SAR errors and finds that there are none.
admin> sar -s
Ver RxAlrt RxStop RxRstrt NoRxBuf bsPrErr cmPrErr busErr NoTxMBx NoRxMBx sIn the next example, the administrator displays all the SAR statistics for the system:
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
admin> sar -s -aIn the following example, the administrator displays SAR statistics for shelf 1, slot 17 (the master shelf-controller).
SH/SL Tx TxDone TxNoBuf Rx RxErr RxUnFlow RxOvRun a
1/ 1 8 8 0 5816 0 0 0 0
1/11 736947 736947 0 736473 0 0 0 0
1/16 27637 27637 0 27494 0 0 0 0
1/17 160 160 0 160 0 0 0 0
1/19 174588 174588 0 174588 0 0 0 0
2/21 822669 822669 0 822653 4 0 0 0
3/21 1109332 1109332 0 1109301 5 0 0 0
4/21 145403 145403 0 0 0 0 0 0
5/21 145403 145403 0 0 0 0 0 0
6/21 145403 145403 0 0 0 0 0 0
7/21 145403 145403 0 0 0 0 0 0
8/21 145403 145403 0 0 0 0 0 0
9/21 145403 145403 0 0 0 0 0 0
admin> sar -s -i 1 17
SH/SL Tx TxDone TxNoBuf Rx RxErr RxUnFlow RxOvRun a
1/17 160 160 0 160 0 0 0 0
Description: Displays messages related to the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP)
functionality of the MAX TNT. The command is a toggle that alternately enables and disables
the debug display.
Usage: Enter sntp at the command prompt.
Example: Following are three examples of messages displayed with SNTP enabled.
Reject:li= x stratum= y tx= zThe following message indicates that the MAX TNT accepts the time from a specified NTP server:
Server= 0 Time is b6dd82ed d94128eBecause the stored time is off by more than one second, it is adjusted:
SNTP: x Diff1= y Diff2= z
Description: If any MAX TNT function uses all but 128 or fewer of the bytes available for
the stack, this command enables a checking routing that logs a warning to the Fatal-History
log. The command is a toggle that alternately enables and disables the debug display.
Description: This command will enable a checking routine that will log a warning to the Fatal-History log whenever any MAX TNT function usage gets within 128 bytes from the end of the stack. The command is a toggle that alternately enables and disables the debug display.
Usage: Enter stacklimit at the command prompt.
Description: Used to set up or query the TDM bus.
Usage: tdm [
-option ]
[ itemA itemB ] [ connectionId ]
where -option is one of the following:
The other syntax elements are:
Element |
Description |
-x number
Set the next TDM channel to check.
Logical address to connect from.
Logical address to connect to.
ID of connection to disconnect.
Example: Following are some examples of output from the TDM command. (For more information about testing the TDM bus, see Testing packet and TDM traffic.)
admin> tdm -l
--id-- --cstate-- cnt tdm# ---src(A)--- ---dst(B)---
1 connected 8 32 01:02:04/001 01:11:01/001
33 01:02:04/002 01:11:01/002
34 01:02:04/003 01:11:01/003
35 01:02:04/004 01:11:01/004
36 01:02:04/005 01:11:01/005
37 01:02:04/006 01:11:01/006
38 01:02:04/007 01:11:01/007
39 01:02:04/008 01:11:01/008
2 connected 24 40 01:02:06/001 01:11:01/009
41 01:02:06/002 01:11:01/010
42 01:02:06/003 01:11:01/011
43 01:02:06/004 01:11:01/012
admin> tdm -s
Number of total connections: 9
Number of active connections: 9
Number of available channels: 839
Number of used channels: 185
Number of disconnection errors: 0
Number of bad received messages: 0
Number of invalid events: 0
Number of missing connections: 0
Number of bad events: 0
Number of bad states: 0
admin> tdm -u
(non-empty entries ONLY)
timslot nUsed --currSrc--- --currDst---
32 1 01:02:04/001 01:11:01/001
33 1 01:02:04/001 01:11:01/001
34 1 01:02:04/001 01:11:01/001
35 1 01:02:04/001 01:11:01/001
36 1 01:02:04/001 01:11:01/001
37 1 01:02:04/001 01:11:01/001
38 1 01:02:04/001 01:11:01/001
39 1 01:02:04/001 01:11:01/001
40 1 01:02:06/001 01:11:01/009
Description: TDMtst runs on the HDLC card and tests the TDM bus. You can use it to verify
communication between HDLC cards. Because the command tests byte-stream
communication on the TDM bus, which must use a known time slot, it requires some setup
before it can verify TDM traffic. (for more information about testing the TDM bus, see Testing
packet and TDM traffic.)
Usage: tdmtst -option
where -option is one of the following:
Description: Displays messages as Telnet connections are attempted or established. The
Telnet protocol negotiates several options as sessions are established, and TelnetDebug
displays the Telnet option negotiations.
The command is a toggle that alternately enables and disables the debug display.
Example: The following session shows a successful Telnet connection from the MAX TNT terminal server to another UNIX host.
admin> telnetdebugThe far-end UNIX host has been contacted:
TELNET debug is now ON
TELNET-4: TCP connectFor this Telnet session, the MAX TNT will support options 24 and 1. The UNIX host should respond with either
TELNET-4: send WILL 24The UNIX host will support option 1:
TELNET-4: recv WILL 1
TELNET-4: repl DO 1The MAX TNT receives a request to support option 3:
TELNET-4: recv WILL 3The MAX TNT will support option 3:
TELNET-4: repl DO 3The UNIX host will support option 3:
TELNET-4: recv DO 3The UNIX host will not support option 24:
TELNET-4: recv DONT 24The MAX TNT will not support option 24:
TELNET-4: repl WONT 24The UNIX host will support options 1 and 3:
TELNET-4: recv WILL 1
TELNET-4: recv WILL 3
Description: Places or clears a call. This command does not work for Frame Relay
Usage: tntcall [-t] [-c connection-profile] [-h route-ID] [?]
Example: The following output shows the MAX TNT answering an incoming call.
A call comes into the MAX TNT:
TNTCALL-649: call answer requestThe call is assigned to a device (in this case the HDLC channel in shelf 1, slot 16, Munich chip 4, channel 26), and is assigned a unique session ID:
11675.96: TNTCALL-649: task got ANSWER event
TNTCALL-649: answer event, dest 1:16:04/26, channels 1 sess 318288918The TDM connection is set up for the call:
TNTCALL: tdm 11918 state changed to 1The call is successfully established:
11675.98: TNTCALL-0: task got TDM STATE event
TNTCALL-649: TDM active, answering call
TNTCALL: allocated port 889 for dev 1:16:04/27
TNTCALL-649: call complete, status 0, 1 channelsAfter the session is disconnected or timed out, the MAX TNT begins tearing down the call:
11677.39: TNTCALL-649: task got CALL COMPLETE event
TNTCALL-649: call sent to slot
TNTCALL-649: dead call
TNTCALL-649: dead call, destroy the route
TNTCALL-649: route destroyed
11732.58: TNTCALL-649: task got DESTROYED event
TNTCALL-649: cleaning up
Description: Displays information about MP and MP+ bundles and their channels. You can
execute the TNTMP command on the shelf controller or on an HDLC card. You must first
execute the Open command to open a session with the card.
Usage: tntmp -i
Example: To display information about MP and MP+ bundles and their channels:
admin> tntmp -iThis command works on HDLC cards as well. First, open a session with HDLC card, and then execute the TNTMP command. For example:
mpBundleID=13 masterSlot=1/15 masterMpID=2 ifCount=2 rtIf=1/17:6
routeID slot ifNum localIfNum localMpID
32 1/15 1 1 2
33 9/ 2 193 1 2
admin> open 1 15
hdlc-1/15> tntmp -iIn this example, the output shows a two-channel MP or MP+ bundle with the first channel in slot 1/15 and the second (slave) channel in slot 9/2. The command displays the following information:
mpBundleID=13 masterSlot=1/15 masterMpID=2 ifCount=2 rtIf=1/17:6
routeID slot ifNum localIfNum localMpID
32 1/15 1 1 2
33 9/ 2 193 1 2
Description: Displays uptime and revision information about the MAX TNT. The Uptime
command and the Software-Version parameter display the same information.
Usage: tsshow [
? ] [
uptime ] [
revision ]
Syntax element: |
Description: |
List all options.
Display system uptime.
Display software and version currently running.
Example: Following are some samples of TSshow output:
admin> tsshow
Show what? Type 'tsshow ?' for help.
admin> tsshow ?
tsshow ? Display help information
tsshow uptime Display system uptime.
tsshow revision Display system revision.
admin> tsshow uptime
system uptime: up 36 days, 9 hours, 59 minutes, 27 seconds
admin> tsshow revision
system revision: tntsr 2.0.0
Description: Displays messages related to setting up Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
tunnels on the MAX TNT. The command is a toggle that alternately enables and disables the
debug display.You would normally use this command with the ATMPdebug command.
Usage: tunneldebug
Example: The following example shows an ATMP tunnel being set up:
TUNNELTNT.CB[1/7]: Event=Start-Tunnel SN=80
TUNNELTNT[1/7]: DUMP [Start-Tunnel] SN=80 MC=1/17/24/10052400
HN=[] priHA=[] secHA=[] Udp=5150 pass=[ascend]
IP= Mask= IPX=00000000:000000000000
TUNNEL: createFAsession: priHA=[] secHA=[] udpPort=5150
ifNum=1/17/24/10052400 MajDev=7 password=ascend
TUNNEL-411: Alloc 1019F660 Id=411 TN=411
TUNNEL-411: resolving, port=5150, SN=411
TUNNEL-START: In progress
TUNNELTNT[1/7]: DUMP [Start-Tunnel-Rsp] SN=411 MC=1/7/4/10059440
LocalSN=80 GlobalSN=411 Status=In progress
TUNNEL: _dnsCallback: name=[], ip= DNS=411
TUNNEL-411: tunnelSetStatus: status=Good completion
TUNNELTNT[1/7]: DUMP [Update-Tunnel] SN=411
TunnelNumber=405 mcRtIf=1/7/4/10059440 HomeRtIf=0/0/0/0
HomeAgent= HomeNetwork=[] Flags=10 AgentMode=2
IP= Mask= IPX=00000000:000000000000
TUNNELTNT[1/7]: DUMP [Set-Status] SN=411 ErrorCode=0
TUNNELTNT[1/7]: DUMP [Start-Tunnel-Rsp] SN=411 MC=1/7/4/10059440
LocalSN=80 GlobalSN=411 Status=In progress
Description: The command has little practical use other than as a tool for developmental
Description: Modifies optional functionality of the MAX TNT. To enable some options, you
must obtain a set of hash codes (supplied by an Ascend representative) that will enable the
functionality in your MAX TNT. After each string is entered, the word complete appears,
indicating that the MAX TNT accepted the hash code.
If you enter
without a text string modifier, the MAX TNT displays a list of current configuration information. [
text_string ]
updateHost interfaces: 4
Net interfaces: 4
Port 1 channels: 255
Port 2 channels: 255
Port 3 channels: 255
Port 4 channels: 255
Field features 1: 182
Field features 2: 33
Field features 3: 54
Protocols: 1
admin> update 5 1023 12321312312312321The following two messages indicate that the text strings were entered incorrectly:
update command: invalid arg 3!The following message indicates that the MAX TNT accepted the update string:
update command: disallowed
update command: command complete.
Description: Displays all packets received from, or sent to any of the WAN interfaces.
Because WANdisplay output shows what the MAX TNT is receiving from and sending to the
remote device, the information can be very helpful in resolving PPP negotiation problems.
If you enter the command while traffic through your MAX TNT is heavy, the resulting amount of output can make it tedious to find the information you're looking for. The screen might even display the message
----- data lost -----
, which just means that not all the output can be displayed on the screen.
Enter wandisplay 0 to disable the logging of this information.
admin> wandisplay 24
Display the first 24 bytes of WAN messages
> RECV-272:: 1 octets @ 5E138F74
[0000]: 0D
RECV-272:: 13 octets @ 5E13958C
[0000]: 0A 41 63 63 65 70 74 3A 20 69 6D 61 67
XMIT-276:: 1011 octets @ 2E12D8A4
[0000]: 7E 21 45 00 03 EE 54 2B 40 00 37 06 BA 09 CF 2B
[0010]: 00 86 D0 93 91 90 1A 0A
admin> wandisplay 0
WAN message display terminated
Description: Shows WAN data as it is received and transmitted for a particular user. The
WANdsess command is very similar to the WANdisplay command, but when you use
WANdsess, the MAX TNT displays only incoming and outgoing packets for a specific user.
WANdsess is particularly helpful on a MAX TNT with several simultaneous active
connections. The command acts as a filter, allowing you to focus your troubleshooting.
Use the WANdsess command with host cards only. You must first execute the Open command to open a session with the modem or HDLC card.
Example: To open a session with a modem card, and activate the display of WAN data for Tim's sessions:
admin> open 1 7
modem-1/7> wandsess timNote that the bytes are displayed in hexadecimal format.
RECV-tim:300:: 1 octets @ 3E13403C
[0000]: 7E 21 45 00 00 3E 15 00 00 00 20 7D 31 C2 D2
RECV-tim:300:: 15 octets @ 3E133A24
[0000]: D0 7D B3 7D B1 B3 D0 7D B3 90 02 04 03 00 35
XMIT-tim:300:: 84 octets @ 3E12D28C
[0000]: 7E 21 45 00 00 4E C4 63 00 00 1C 7D 31 17 5F D0
[0010]: 93 90 02 D0 93 91 B3 00
See Also: WANdisplay, WANopening
Description: Displays statistics about WAN events of interest on a host card.
Usage: First, open a session to a host card, then enter waneventstats at the command prompt.
modem-1/2> wanEventStatsIn this output, the following counters should always be set to zero (a non-zero value indicates an error condition):
_sendCachedData() Counts:
NullWanInfo 0
BufLen: 0
NullHandle: 0
BadState: 0
QueuingFails: 0
ToMbufFails: 0
SendOk: 0
_loseCachedData() Counts:
NoBuf: 0
LoseOk: 0
_cachePrioData() Counts:
BadData: 0
MallocFails: 0
PrevCache: 0
CacheOk: 0
WanInfo Instance Error Counts:
_wanBufferSent: 0
_wanBufferRcvd: 0
_wanBreakRcvd: 0
_modemEventHandlerInstanceMismatch: 0
WanInfo TxPending Error Counts: 0
wanSendData() Counts:
_wanSendDataOk: 1fd2e
_wanSendDataHighPriority: 1fd2e
_wanSendDataNormPriority: 0
_wanSendDataNoInpMbuf: 0
_wanSendDataBadLen: 0
_wanSendDataNormPrioNoBuf: 0
_wanSendDataNoRoute: 0
NullWanInfo 0The rest of the counters can have non-zero values, although most of them indicate how busy the system is and should have small values. For example, the following counters record high-priority message caching events:
BufLen: 0
NullHandle: 0
BadState: 0
NoBuf: 0
BadData: 0
_wanBufferSent: 0
_wanBufferRcvd: 0
_wanBreakRcvd: 0
_modemEventHandlerInstanceMismatch: 0
WanInfo TxPending Error Counts: 0
_wanSendDataNoInpMbuf: 0
_wanSendDataBadLen: 0
SendOk: 0The next counters record send message requests. These are the only counters that record normal events rather than errors. The first _wanSendDataOk counter represents the count of all HDLC packets sent out, which may be quite a large number. The other two counters represent the two types of HDLC data, normal and high priority. Their sum should equal the value of _wanSendDataOk in the absence of errors. For example:
LoseOk: 0
CacheOk: 0
_wanSendDataOk: 1fd2eThe next counter records dropped normal priority messages. A non-zero value indicates the number of normal messages dropped due to lack of a buffer. To some extent this indicates how busy the system is, but because sessions have a buffer quota, it is possible to drop a normal message and increment this counter even when the system is not overloaded and when it is not out of buffers.
_wanSendDataHighPriority: 1fd2e
_wanSendDataNormPriority: 0
_wanSendDataNormPrioNoBuf: 0The next counter reports requests to send a packet being processed after the session has been terminated. This is a normal occurrence when a call terminates during data transfer. (Its value should normally be relatively small but not necessarily non-zero.)
_wanSendDataNoRoute: 0The following counters record the system's inability to obtain a DRAM or HDLC buffer for high priority message caching:
QueuingFails: 0The following counter records high priority messages that have been dropped from the cache due to the arrival of another high priority message for the same session:
ToMbufFails: 0
MallocFails: 0
PrevCache: 0
Description: Shows WAN data as it is received and transmitted during connection
establishment for all users. The WANopening command is particularly helpful for
troubleshooting connection problems in which users make the initial connection, but are
disconnected within a few seconds. The output of WANopening is very similar to the output of
WANdisplay, but WANopening only shows packets until the connection has been completely
Use the WANopening command with host cards only. You must first execute the Open command to open a session with the modem or HDLC card.
The octets value specifies the maximum number of octets to display per packet. If you specify 0 (zero), the MAX TNT does not log WAN data
admin> open 1 7
modem-1/7> wanopening
Display the first 24 bytes of WAN messages
RECV-272:: 1 octets @ 5E138F74
[0000]: 0D
RECV-272:: 13 octets @ 5E13958C
[0000]: 0A 41 63 63 65 70 74 3A 20 69 6D 61 67
XMIT-276:: 1011 octets @ 2E12D8A4Note that the bytes are displayed in hexadecimal format.
[0000]: 7E 21 45 00 03 EE 54 2B 40 00 37 06 BA 09 CF 2B
[0010]: 00 86 D0 93 91 90 1A 0A
See Also: WANdisplay, WANdsess
Description: Displays messages from the WAN drivers on the MAX TNT, including the
states of calls that are passed from the MAX TNT call routing routines as the connection is
prepared to be passed to the Ethernet drivers.
If you enter the command while traffic through your MAX TNT is heavy, the resulting amount of output can make it tedious to find the information you're looking for. The screen might even display the message
----- data lost -----
, which just means that not all the output can be displayed on the screen. You might prefer to use this command during a period of low throughput.
Example: Following is a typical example of output produced by a modem call into the MAX TNT. After the incoming call is determined to be an analog call, a modem is directed to answer it.
WAN-389: wanOpenAnswerThe next two messages appear when the call is cleared.
WAN-389: modem redirected back to wan
WAN-389: Startup frame received
WAN-389: Detected unknown message
WAN-389: Detected ASYNC PPP message
WAN-389: wanRegisterData, I/F 58
WAN-389: wanCloseSession, I/F 58The last message is not an indication of a problem. The modem clears the call a split second before the software releases its resources. The software does a check on the modem, which has already been released. This message is not an indication of a problem.
WAN-??: no modem assoc w WanInfo
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