This chapter covers the following topics:
User profiles are for MAX TNT system administration. Do not confuse them with Connection profiles. User profiles are used by administrators who need access to the MAX TNT command line interface to monitor or configure the unit. Connection profiles contain authentication and configuration information for a remote device or user and allow the remote user to connect to the MAX TNT for WAN or LAN access.
Understanding the User profile parameters
Figure 7-1 describes common tasks you might have to perform to configure a User profile. The table includes a brief description of each task and lists the parameters you will use.
Understanding command permissions
Permissions control which actions the user who logs in with a particular profile can perform on the MAX TNT. Each permission enables the use of a command class. When you use the Help command to display available commands, the left column shows command names, and the right column shows the command class. For example:
admin> ?Typically, read-write accounts enable the System command class. They might also enable the Update and Code command classes. Read-only accounts might be limited to the Diagnostic command class. Table 7-2 shows the commands associated with each permission:
? ( user )
arptable ( system )
auth ( user )
callroute ( diagnostic )
clear ( user )
clock-source ( diagnostic )
clr-history ( system )
connection ( system )
date ( update )
debug ( diagnostic )
delete ( update )
device ( diagnostic )
dir ( system )
dircode ( system )
ether-display ( diagnostic )
fatal-history ( system )
format ( code )
fsck ( code )
get ( system )
hdlc ( system )
help ( user )
if-admin ( diagnostic )
[More? <ret>=next entry, <sp>=next page, <^C>=abort]
Caution: The Allow-Password permission enables the user to view passwords. If set to No,
the user sees a row of asterisks instead of the actual configured password. If the administrator
that backs up system configurations does not have the Allow-Password permission set to Yes,
passwords are not saved as part of the configuration.
Sample User profiles
If you have administrative privileges, you can create any number of User profiles that grant other administrators various degrees of access to the system.
admin> new user admin
USER/admin read
admin> set name = marco
admin> set password = my-password
admin> set allow-password = yes
admin> set allow-code = no
admin> writeFollowing is an example of creating a User profile named Test, which is based on the Admin profile but restricts some permissions and has a different password:
USER/marco written
admin> new user admin
USER/admin read
admin> set name = test
admin> set password = test-pw
admin> set allow-termserv = no
admin> set allow-update = no
admin> set allow-code = no
admin> writeIn the following example, an administrator creates a profile that enables the user to use the terminal-server commands but not to perform any other actions:
USER/admin written
admin> new user
USER/default read
admin> set name = techpubs
admin> set password = january
admin> set allow-termserv= yes
admin> set prompt = *
admin> set log-display-level = none
admin> writeTo log in by means of the new profile:
USER/techpubs written
admin> auth techpubs
Password: january
Customizing the environment for a User profile
In addition to authentication and permission information, User profiles also contain parameters that affect how the user's environment appears at login. You can customize the following areas:
. You configure the prompt with the Prompt parameter. An asterisk in this setting causes the MAX TNT to substitute the value of the profile's name parameter upon successful login. For example, for the Admin profile, the prompt would be as follows:admin>
The default contents of the status window are determined by the following default settings for a User profile:
Figure 7-1 shows the default contents for each area of the status window:
Figure 7-1. Information in the status window
admin> read user test
USER/test read
admin> set default-status = yes
admin> set bottom-status = line-status
admin> write
USER/test written
admin> read user test
USER/test read
admin> set log-display-level = critical
admin> writeCritical messages indicate that an interface has gone down or a security condition has been noted. Alert messages indicate that something undesirable has happened but probably will not prevent normal operation of the system. Emergency messages indicate that something undesirable has happened and will probably prevent normal operation.
USER/test written
Other levels include Error messages (an error condition has occurred), Warning messages (something out of the ordinary has occurred, such as a login failure), Notice (events in normal operation, such as a link going up or down), Info (changes that are not normally of interest), Debug (messages related to debugging configurations), and None (no messages are displayed).
admin> auth test
Password:@3wPZHd2You must supply the password configured in the specified profile to be logged in as the user. Logging in as a different user can be helpful for verifying that the User profile permissions are correct.
admin> read system
admin> set idle-logout=120
admin> write
SYSTEM written
admin> whoami
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