Avici Systems Inc.

show ip bgp peer-group

Displays BGP peer groups.

Syntax: show ip bgp peer-group

Description: Use the show ip bgp peer-group command to display information about BGP peer groups.

Factory Default: None.

Command Mode: Executive and privileged.

Example: The following is sample output from the show ip bgp peer-group command:

router#show ip bgp peer-group ottawa

BGP Peer-group: ottawa remote AS 56

BGP version: 4

def orignat: False     ebgp multihop: False

send comm: False       soft reconfig: False

n hop self: False

The following table describes the fields in the display:

Table 4-11. Fields Displayed by show ip bgp peer-group 
Field Description

BGP Peer-group

Name of peer group.

remote AS

Number of remote autonomous system to which the peer group belongs.

BGP version

Version of BGP accepted by the members of this peer group.

Default originate

Indicates whether default origination (allowing advertisement of network to peer-group members) is enabled.

ebgp multihop

Indicates whether EBGP multihop is enabled for members of this peer group.

send comm

Indicates if the community attribute is included in route updates to this peer group.

soft reconfig

Indicates if soft reconfiguration is enabled for members of this peer group.

n hop self

Indicates if the next-hop-self is enabled for members of this peer group.

Related Commands: clear ip bgp peer-group
neighbor peer-group (assigning and creating)
show ip bgp
show ip bgp neighbors
show ip bgp summary


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   Source File Name:
    HTML File Name: BGP_Nd57.html
    Last Updated: 05/10/04 at 16:36:55

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